
The American Presidency Project contains over 52,000 documents related to the study of the American Presidency including Public Papers from Hoover to present, Inaugural addresses and State of the Union messages from Washington to most recent; also radio addresses, convention speeches, presidential candidate debates, audio and video selections, data on popularity, public appearances , election statistics and more.

Presidential Papers is a full text, indexed database on CD-ROM containing presidential papers from Washington through Clinton, previously published in Messages and Papers of the Presidents and Public Papers of the Presidents. Location: Documents (Lamont): CD-ROM Doc J81.3.P74 199x

Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents (1789-1897) is online as part of 19th Century Masterfile.

GPO Access Compilation of Presidential Documents (1992+ ) Keyword searches for all years or single years.

Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents (2009-)

Paper Editions

Inaugural Addresses, 1789-1969
Location: Documents (Lamont): US Doc 445 (vols. 12852-12853) H.Doc 91-142

Public Papers of the Presidents (Hoover-present, except F.D.R., for which, see next entry)
Location: Documents (Lamont): US Doc 1010.5

The Public Papers and addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt
Location: (Widener) US 8005.22.5;Location: Lamont: E806.R749

Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents (1965-2000, for later years see electronic sources listed above)
Location: Documents (Lamont): US Doc 1010.10