More resources at Countway's Clinical Practice page
Micromedex is the "gold standard" for drug information. You can also link to it through eCommons. In-depth detailed monographs, drug consults addressing clinical issues, toxicology and teratology information are among its many strengths.
Mosby's Dental Drug Reference Drugs listed alphabetically by generic name. Drug interactions of concern to dentistry with patient management. Appendices with sample prescriptions and cytochrome P450 interactions. Therapeutic/Pharmacological Index
AHFS Drug Information This reference has detailed information on the 300+ drugs used in acute care. Strengths are its comparisons of drugs in the same class, pharmacokinetics, and safety. Hard to find information on pharmaceuticals such as dialysis fluids in included.
Natural Medicines This resource resolves names and provides critical information on the effects, uses, and interactions of medicines made from natural ingredients (e.g., herbal remedies).
Drugs During Pregnancy and Lactation Commonly referred to as "Briggs" this is an authoritative reference on drug safety during pregnancy
LactMed contains information on drugs and other chemicals to which breastfeeding mothers may be exposed. Prior to 2020, was a searchable database. It is now a searchable electronic book available from NCBI.
Resource below are available electronically unless otherwise noted.
Resources below are available electronically unless otherwise noted.
AHFS Drug Information - Authoritative references from the American Society of Health System Pharmacists with a focus on drugs used in acute care.
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