Library Catalog - HOLLIS

HOLLIS is the Harvard Library’s catalog. Search HOLLIS for books, articles, media and more.

Not available at Harvard?

  • Use Interlibrary Loan for items from libraries around the world
  • Request a purchase - If there are materials you'd like to see added to the library's collections, submit a purchase request and we will look into acquiring it. We can purchase both physical and electronic copies of materials.

Ebooks Databases

A new feature in HOLLIS provides links to electronic versions of some books via The Internet Archive Open Library when you click on READ ONLINE (1 HOUR LOAN)

The Internet Archive Open Library allows people to “borrow” digitized books for 1-hour loans. Loans can be renewed if there is no one else in the queue. HOLLIS search results will display links to the Open Library when an ISBN match is found using the Open Library API. If you do not already have an account at the Internet Archive / Open Library, you will see a Sign-Up link in the upper right corner. This account is unrelated to your HarvardKey. Anyone can sign up for access to the Internet Archive / Open Library.


Your local public library is the best place to find downloadable audio books. If you are a Massachusetts resident and don't already have a Boston Public Library card, you can register for one online.

Additional Resources