Do all places experience environmental injustice in the same way? "Place" is an everyday concept that requires more precise definition to think about in a scholarly way. A Dictionary of Human Geography (Rogers and others, 2013, "Place," Oxford University Press, 2013) defines place as "1. A fixed point on the Earth’s surface. 2. A locus of individual and group identity." and "3. The scale of everyday life." In definitions 2 and 3, "place" is used to think about meaning in or of a location, or one location in relation to one or more others.
Rogers and others go on to discuss commonalities and differences between places, one school of thought emphasizing the commonalities resulting from the operation of capitalism and globalization--both the common struggles of types of places in a global economy and homogenization (or placelessness) resulting from reduction of local cultural and social uniqueness. Some examples include chain stores, sameness of architecture, and reduction of dialects, to name a few. Geographers and other social scientists often study the complexities of place-based phenomena, as well as the activities and meanings that people make and take from their interaction with their surroundings.
Here are some sample Google Scholar searches related to "place":
<place AND "environmental justice>
<place AND race AND protest AND health>
<placelessness AND "environmental justice">
<placelessness AND rural AND health>