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Expos 20 | Climate Fictions

A course library guide

Google Scholar

Google Scholar is an excellent broad-based way to find scholarly articles; it is the go-to resource for many interdisciplinary topics because it transcends boundaries.

One of the best ways to generate research leads with Scholar is to use it to follow citation trails  when you have a known source -- a class reading, a book you've found on HOLLIS that looks promising, an article that's so "perfect" for a research project that you want to see if there's "more like it" out there, waiting to be discovered. 

For example: 

  • You can click on cited by to see which scholars picked up and used a research article/book in research. Just enter the title.
  • Big "cited by" lists can be whittled down by adding keywords and clicking on the search wthin cited reference option.
  • Related articles helps you identify research that's close ----algorithmically, at least -- to the item you started with. 

lightbulb iconPRO-TIP

 One simple change to the settings in Google Scholar will turn it into what's effectively a Harvard database -- with links to the full-text of journal articles that GS wants you to pay for.  We give them to you free of charge. 

Here's how to optimize Google Scholar for Harvard access:

Look to the left of the GS screen and click on the "hamburger" (); then click on .  Look for "Library Links."  Then type Harvard  into the search box and save your choice.  As long as you allow cookies, the settings will keep.