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Expos 20 | Climate Fictions

A course library guide

Another Way to Find Journal Articles


Academic Search Premier 

Think of library databases as search engines for full text or citations of academic literature. This database can be a good next step once you've explored content available in HOLLIS,  particularly if you feel overwhelmed -- or sometimes, underwhelmed -- by the journal and article search results you've uncovered there. 

While much of what ASP searches is from scholarly sources, generous amounts also come from newspaper and general interest magazines. Like HOLLIS, ASP casts a wide net, so you might  see your topic treated from a number of disciplinary angles or through a variety of theoretical lenses. 

Covers international scholarly work on literature and related fields, so this database is a great resource if you're interested in climate fiction or other literary or linguistic angles.  "The MLA International Bibliography, produced by the Modern Language Association, consists of bibliographic records pertaining to literature, language, linguistics, and folklore, and includes coverage from 1963 to the present. The MLA International Bibliography provides access to scholarly research in over 3,000 journals and series. It also covers relevant monographs, working papers, proceedings, bibliographies, and other formats."

Click the headline to find specialized databases in your area of interest.