Data Management and Sharing Policies at Harvard University

There are a number of policies and regulations that may impact Harvard researchers working with data. Below is a list of the more commonly applicable internal and external regulations.

Harvard Policies

  • Data Ownership: Applies to research data resulting from projects conducted at the University, under the auspices of the University, or with University resources.
  • Data Use Agreements: Policy and Guidance documents describe the roles, responsibilities and processes associated with DUAs. 
  • Enterprise Information Security: University-wide policy applicable to all data created, shared, accessed or otherwise used by Harvard researchers.
  • Genomic Data: Policy and procedures for human genomic data sharing and use.
  • Intellectual Property:  Statement of policy in regard to inventions, patents, and copyrights developed by Harvard researchers. 
  • Legal Agreements Workflow and Signature Authority: Outlines which offices have authority to review and/or sign specific types of agreements.
  • Open Access: Resources pertaining to the schools' policies on Open Access. 
  • Publications: Overview of acceptable restrictions on publication and review and escalation processes. 
  • Research Data Security: Applies to all research data physically housed at Harvard or stored remotely under the management of Harvard researchers. Examples of Research Data Security Levels.
  • Retention of Research Data and Materials: Basic principles to guide the retention and maintenance of research records by Harvard researchers and staff.

Federal and State Data Regulations

Massachusetts Data Regulations

International Data Regulations