Many Countries' Historical News About Palestine


Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) Daily Reports, 1941-1996 FBIS (link for Harvard subscription only) was an open-source branch of the CIA that collected foreign broadcasts.  You can search this for Palestine or any other topic. 

Like with the broadcast-based FBIS, you can search print news using the Joint Publications Research Service (JPRS), 1957-1995 (link for Harvard subscription only) for any topic, including Palestine. The JPRS was a US government intelligence organization that collected and translated open source material, including “books, newspapers, journals, unclassified foreign documents and research reports.  Approximately eighty percent of the documents translated [were] serial publications [such as magazines, newspapers, and journals].  JPRS [was once] the largest single producer of English language translations in the world.” (Harvard library guide to JPRS)  The JPRS eventually merged with FBIS, which became the CIA's Open Source Center.