Finding News (newspapers, magazines)
- Factiva(1980s- ) offers full text (pictures omitted) of over 6,000 newspapers, magazines, wire services and trade journals.Limit to articles about a certain region by opening Region: All Regions, then driving down to your country (state, city, etc.)
- EdWeekEdWeek Market Brief provides original reporting, analysis, proprietary data and research focused on education products and services for the PK-12 education field. The resource was created for both providers of education products and services and school district leaders. Requires an HUID to access.
Case Studies and Research Notes
- CASE STUDIES & RESEARCH NOTESPELP case studies illuminate systems-level leadership challenges in large urban districts and education-related organizations. Together with research notes and teaching notes for instructors, the PELP case library is an extensive body of working knowledge for academics and practitioners alike. Please follow the directions on the page to get access to the specific case studies on this page.
Historical Resources and Online exhibits/resources
- The History of Education in New OrleansOnline exhibit
- Proquest Black StudiesSearch for “New Orleans” and then narrow down by Subject (education).
- Historical NewspapersHarvard Library offers access to historical newspapers. Please visit this guide for specific time periods/regions.
Leadership and/or Funding
- Cowen Institute (governance)New Orleans Public Schools Governance Chart 2022-2023
This annual chart shows the structure of all public schools and charter management organizations (CMOs) in New Orleans in the 2022-2023 school year. It also details changes that have occurred in the system heading into the school year. - Louisiana State Board of Elementary and Secondary EducationThe Louisiana State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) is the administrative body for all Louisiana public elementary and secondary schools; it also performs certain administrative functions for the state's non-public elementary and secondary schools. BESE adopts regulations and enacts policies governing the operations of the schools under its jurisdiction, and exercises budgetary oversight of their educational programs and services.
Books at Harvard Library
Becoming a Teacher
- Teach Louisiana: CertificationContains information on certification application/forms, certification resources, and other information.
- LRCE CertificationTheir purpose as a teacher training organization is to ensure that teachers have the knowledge, skills, and mindsets necessary to drive toward creating a classroom community that they believe is best for all students and leads to educational equity.
- teachNOLAteachNOLA Teaching Fellows is consistently rated as a top teacher preparation program in Louisiana, offering teacher certification in a wide range of subject areas and grade levels.