Use these directories of congregations, leaders, and ministers to locate data on Unitarian congregations over time. You can also use yearbooks to follow the career of a minister from year to year.
From time to time, the Unitarian yearbooks included obituaries (or a necrology) of recently deceased ministers and leaders. When we find obituaries, we supply the names.
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The Year-Book was suspended from 1859 to 1866; directory information often included in the January issues of: Monthly Journal of the American Unitarian Association.
Use these directories of congregations, leaders, and ministers to locate data on Universalist congregations over time. You can also use yearbooks to follow the career of a minister from year to year.
From time to time, the Universalist yearbooks included obituaries (or a biographical record) of recently deceased ministers and leaders. When we find obituaries, we supply the names.
1836-1839: Not digitized
1873 Universalist Register and Almanac - not digitized
1945-1960 not digitized
Use these directories of congregations, leaders, and ministers to locate data on Unitarian Universalist congregations over time. You can also use yearbooks to follow the career of a minister from year to year.
From time to time, the Unitarian Universalist yearbook included obituaries of recently deceased ministers and leaders. When we find obituaries, we supply the names.
The Directory ceased publication after 2009. See UUA Directory for current information about congregations and ministers. See Remembering the Living Tradition for obituaries.
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