Scripta Sinica Database 漢籍電子文獻资料库This site, maintained by the Academia Sinica in Taiwan, consists of a large collection of searchable, full-text databases covering the breadth of Chinese history and culture.
Access: Most of the databases, 漢籍全文資料庫, 古漢語語料庫, 臺灣文獻叢刊, 清代經世文編, 中華民國史事日誌, 新民說, 內閣漢文題本專題檔案:刑科婚姻類提要, 文心雕龍, 佛經三論, 姚際恒著作集, 泉翁大全集, 正統道藏, 詞話集成, 新清史-本紀, 樂府詩集, etc. may be accessed freely.
Note: The 清實錄, 明實錄 is available in the 漢籍全文資料庫 under the "Histories" 史書 section.
Texts and Editions: Many of the databases provide information about the texts included and the editions used only in the lists of links or in the front matter to the electronic texts. It is necessary to click through the database levels or the texts themselves to find the information. For the Han ji quan wen zi liao ku 漢籍全文資料庫, however, you may keyword search for a particular work by title 書名.