MARKUS- Text Analysis and Reading Platform for Literary Chinese 瑪庫斯平台 OPEN ACCESS.With MARKUS you can upload a file in classical Chinese and tag personal names, place names, temporal references, and bureaucratic offices automatically. You can also upload your own list of key terms for automated tagging. You can then read a document while checking a range of reference works at the same time, or compare passages in which the same names or keywords appear. Or, you can extract the information you have tagged and use it for further analysis in our visualization platform and other tools.
The March 2015 release includes:
-improvements in automated markup: emperor names have been added and alternate names markup improved to reduce superfluous alternate name markup
-inline text editing: correct mistakes or add punctuation to the base text
-switching between markup modes: choose between modes from the left bar; no need to re-upload files
-new keyword markup functionality: automatically discover keywords and select appropriate ones for markup
-additional dictionaries in reading mode: trials for Buddhist and medical term dictionaries
-full Chinese language version
-links to relevant tools: starting with the newly released CBDB name/official title lookup tool
-updated and expanded help text and videos
-FAQ: for technical problems and useful markup tips
Also added two new tools: 1) The CBDB Mac Dictionary allows readers to search China Biographical Database by either using Mac OS X integrated Spotlight or by selecting any name or partial name in any software programme; 2) The CBDB Name/Title Lookup helps readers identify persons for whom only part of the name AND an official title or part thereof are known.