The Arts of China by
ISBN: 9780520255685Publication Date: Berkeley : University of California Press, c2008276 p.China: 3000 years of Art and Literature by
ISBN: 9781599620305Publication Date: New York : Welcome Books, c2007234 p. (c2007)China: a History in Art by
Publication Date: New York : Harper & Row, [1973?]5000 Years of Chinese Art : 中国艺术5000年
ISBN: 7515309261Publication Date: 北京 : 中国青年出版社, 2012Text in English.Zooming In : Histories of Photography In China by
ISBN: 9781780235998Publication Date: Reaktion Books Ltd, London. Distributed in the U.S.A. by University of Chicago Press. 2016A Companion to Chinese Art by
ISBN: 9781444339130Publication Date: Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2015"Exploring the history of art in China from its earliest incarnations to the present day, this comprehensive volume includes two dozen newly-commissioned essays spanning the theories, genres, and media central to Chinese art and theory throughout its history. "Tenth-century China and beyond : art and visual culture in a multi-centered age by
ISBN: 1588861155Publication Date: Chicago : Art Media Resources, Inc., 2013Papers presented at a conference organized by the Center for the Art of East Asia at the University of Chicago, May 29-30, 2009 and May 14-15, 2010.
Contributions in English or Chinese, with abstracts in English.A Story of Ruins, Presence and Absence in Chinee Art and Visual Culture by
ISBN: 069115502XPublication Date: Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2012The World of Khubilai Khan, Chinese Art in the Yuan Dynasty by
ISBN: 9781588394033Publication Date: 2010-01-01Arts of the Sung and Yuan: Papers prepared for an International Symposium Organized by the Metropolitan Museum of Art in conjunction with the exhibition Splendors of Imperial China: Treasures from the National Palace Museum, Taipei by
ISBN: 9780870998065Publication Date: Metropolitan Museum of Art, c1996Proceedings of the international symposium held at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, March 19-May 19, 1996.Ming 50 years that Changed China by
ISBN: 9780295994505Publication Date: Seattle : University of Washington Press, 2014Reinventing the Past : Archaism and Antiquarianism in Chinese Art and Visual Culture by
ISBN: 1588861090Publication Date: Center for the Art of East Asia, University of Chicago : Art Media Resources, c2010The Mongol Century : Visual Cultures of Yuan China, 1271-1368 by
ISBN: 0824851455Publication Date: 2015-02-28Chinese Art, A Guide to Motifs and Visual Imagery by
ISBN: 080483864XPublication Date: Tokyo ; Rutland, Vt. : Tuttle Pub., c2008288 p.Body and Face in Chinese Visual Culture by
ISBN: 0674016572Publication Date: Harvard University Asia Center ; Distributed by Harvard University Press, 2005served to depict the living, memorialize the dead, and present the unrepresentable in art.Chinese Religious Art by
ISBN: 9780739180587Publication Date: Lanham : Lexington Books, [2014]"The Religious Art of China is a broad survey of the origins and development of the various forms of artistic expression of Chinese religions."Collectors, Collections, and Collecting the Arts of China by
ISBN: 0813049148Publication Date: Gainesville : University Press of Florida, [2014]This is a scholarly volume that provides a systematic overview of major histories of fine collections of Chinese art in the UK, US, and Canada, including collections built in the 18th through the 21st centuries.Imperial Illusions, Crossing Pictorial Boundaries in the Qing Palaces by
ISBN: 029599410XPublication Date: Seattle : University of Washington Press, [2015]中国艺术史 = Chinese Art History by
ISBN: 9787546118505Publication Date: 20113 vols.Chinese-English edition.藝術史硏究 = The study of Art History by
ISBN: 7306015869Publication Date: 中山大学出版社, 1999-An ongoing series. Table of contents, abstracts and some articles are in English.中国美术简史 by
ISBN: 9787500646501Publication Date: 北京 : 中国青年出版社, 2010Chinese Art History Textbook in Chinese
443 p.艺术史中的汉晋与唐宋之变 by
ISBN: 986666029XPublication Date: 台北市 : 石頭出版股份有限公司, 2014"本論文集為2012年6月25至26日中央研究院歷史語言研究所舉辦之「藝術史中的漢晋與唐宋轉折」國際學術研討會之成果集結而成."
Buddhist Art
Encyclopedia of Buddhist Arts by
ISBN: 1944271236Publication Date: [Los Angeles] : Buddha's Light Publications USA, [2016]1-4. Architecture -- 5-9. Caves & rock carvings -- 10-13. Sculpture -- 14-16. Painting -- 17. Calligraphy & seal engraving -- 18. Artifacts & decorative arts -- 19. People -- 20. Index.Encyclopedia of Buddhism by
ISBN: 0028657187Publication Date: New York : Macmillan Reference USA/Thomson/Gale, c20042. vReading Buddhist Art : an illustrated guide to Buddhist signs and symbols by
ISBN: 050051089XPublication Date: 2002-10-01Shaping the Lotus Sutra : Buddhist Visual Culture in Medieval China by
ISBN: 0295984627Publication Date: Seattle : University of Washington Press, c2005487 p.The Art of the Yellow Springs : Understanding Chinese Tombs by
ISBN: 9780824834265Publication Date: Published by the Art Institute of Chicago in association with Indiana University Press, c1986Recarving China's Past, Art, Archaeology, Architecture of the "Wu Family Shrines" by
ISBN: 0300107978Publication Date: Yale University Press, 2005Reinventing the Wheel: Paintings of Rebirth in Medieval Buddhist Temples by
ISBN: 9780295986494Publication Date: Seattle : University of Washington Press, c2006Pagoda and Transformation: the Making of Medieval Chinese Visuality by
Publication Date: Harvard University, 1997271 p.Monks and Merchants by
ISBN: 0810934787Publication Date: 2001-10-01Written by an international team of scholars, this volume illuminates the importance of China's northwest section of the Silk Road during the 4th through 7th century, a period of fertile cross-cultural exchanges between east and west Asia.Chinese Steles pre-Buddhist and Buddhist Use of a Symbolic Form by
ISBN: 082482783XPublication Date: University of Hawaii Press, 2004Art, Religion, and Politics in Medieval China : the Dunhuang Cave of the Zhai Family by
ISBN: 0824827031Publication Date: University of Hawaiì Press, c2004Surviving Nirvana : Death of the Buddha in Chinese Visual Culture by
ISBN: 9789622091252Publication Date: Hong Kong University Press, c2010Dunhuang, Caves of the Singing Sands: Buddhist art from the Silk Road by
ISBN: 1898406057Publication Date: London : Textile & Art Pubs., 19952 v.Echoes of the Past : the Buddhist Cave Temples of Xiangtangshan by
ISBN: 093557350XPublication Date: Smart Museum of Art, University of Chicago, 2010Donors of Longmen: Faith, Politics, And Patronage in Medieval Chinese Buddhist Sculpture by
ISBN: 0824829948Publication Date: Honolulu : University of Hawai'i Press, c2007Mandala : Sacred Circle in Tibetan Buddhism by
ISBN: 3897903059Publication Date: New York : Rubin Museum of Art ; Stuttgart : Arnoldsche Art Publishers, c2009Approaching the mandala -- The center of the Buddhist Wheel of the Teaching: basic ideas -- Outer mandala: the cosmos -- Plates -- Inner mandala: the person -- The other mandala: the tantric method -- The mandala and the West.中国佛教美术论著引得 by
ISBN: 7542649396Publication Date: 上海三联书店, 2014“本书编者极尽所能呈现二十世纪海内外中国佛教美术研究之完整面貌, 按系年形式编排, 论文居前, 专著续后, 论文以出版先后为序, 专著以作者首字拼音为序. 文集于其后标注所收论文篇名”.
Painting and Calligraphy
Eight Dynasties of Chinese Painting by
ISBN: 9780910386531Publication Date: The Cleveland Museum of Art, 1981The Birth of Landscape Painting in China by
Publication Date: London : Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1962How to Read Chinese Paintings by
ISBN: 9780300141870Publication Date: New York : Metropolitan Museum of Art ; New Haven : Yale University Press, c2008173 p.The Double Screen: Medium and Representation in Chinese Painting by
ISBN: 0226360741Publication Date: Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1996296 p.Dreaming the Southern Song Landscape by
ISBN: 9789004110113Publication Date: Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 1999The Efficacious Landscape: On the Authorities of Painting at the Northern Song Court by
ISBN: 9780674417151Publication Date: 2015Painters of the Great Ming by
ISBN: 0936227117Publication Date: 1993Published in conjunction with an exhibition held at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, March 10-May 9, 1993; Dallas Museum of Art, June 6-August 1, 1993.Masterpieces of Chinese Painting 700-1900 by
ISBN: 9781851777563Publication Date: Harry N. Abrams Inc, 2013Published on the occasion of the exhibition held at the Victoria and Albert museum, 26th October to 19th January, 2014.Hills Beyond a River : Chinese painting of the Yüan Dynasty, 1279-1368 by
ISBN: 0834801205Publication Date: New York : Weatherhill, 1976Parting at the Shore, Chinese Painting of the Early and Middle Ming Dynasty, 1368-1580 by
ISBN: 9780834801288Publication Date: New York : Weatherhill, 1978Distant Mountains, Chinese Painting of the Late Ming Dynasty, 1570-1644 by
ISBN: 9780834801745Publication Date: New York : Weatherhill, 1982The third in a series of five books on the later history of Chinese painting. The book encompasses the decline of the Ming fortunes to the dynasty's final defeat by the Manchus in 1644. The lives and works of 42 of the period's artists are featured.Chinese painting : Leading Masters and Principles by
Publication Date: New York, Hacker Art Books, 19737 vols.Great Qing : painting in China, 1644-1911 by
ISBN: 9780295993959Publication Date: University of Washington Press, [2014]An Index of Early Chinese Painters and Paintings by
ISBN: 1891640100Publication Date: Floating World Editions, 2003, c1980A comprehensive English-language compilation on Chinese painters and their works from the late 6th century through to the mid-14th century.细读美国藏中国五代宋元书画珍品
ISBN: 9787301214213Publication Date: 北京大学出版社, 2012"《翰墨荟萃(细读美国藏中国五代宋元书画珍品)》是对"翰墨荟萃"展的导览读物。 2012年,美国藏中国五代宋元书画珍品展在上海博物馆开幕,百年前或几十年前流入美国的《溪岸图》《捣练图》《晴峦萧寺图》等巨制回到中国与观众见面"。
In Chinese中国宮廷绘画研究 by
ISBN: 7513407703Publication Date: 北京 : 故宮出版社, 2015本论文集即以2003年10月"中国古代宮廷绘画国际学术研讨会"的论文为基础, 同时汲取了后来相关的研究成果, 收集成卷.美国收藏中国五代宋元书画珍品 = Masterpieces of Early Chinese Painting and Calligraphy in American Collections
ISBN: 7547904785Publication Date: 上海博物馆, 2012Catalog of an exhibition organized by the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, the Cleveland Museum of Art, the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, and Shanghai Museum in 2012.
In Chinese and English南画十六観 = Sixteen Views on Chinese Literati Paintings by
ISBN: 7301219156Publication Date: 北京大学出版社, 2013In Chinese.風格與觀念 : 高居翰中國繪畫史文集 = Style and Idea : an Anthology of James Cahill's Writings on Chinese Painting History by
ISBN: 7550300135Publication Date: 杭州 : 中國美術學院出版社, 2011In Chinese.晉唐宋元書畫國寶特集 = Chinese National Treasures of Painting and Calligraphy from the Jin, Tang, Song and Yuan Dynasties
ISBN: 7806724214Publication Date: 上海書畫出版社, 2002Table of contents, forewords and captions also in English从风格到画意 : 反思中国美术史 = From Style to Huayi : Ruminating on Chinese Art History by
ISBN: 9787108052001Publication Date: 北京市 : 生活·读书·新知三联书店, 2015"作者以中国绘画史的论述架构为经,以不同研究论题为纬,探索并示范中国绘画的研究方法.自20世纪中期以来,关于中国绘画研究的方法,受风格学的形式分析冲击最大,作者对此作了回顾与反思,质疑以西方狭义的"再现"标准来研究中国绘画的适当性,进而提出"画意"作为一种观看中国绘画的方式."画史与鉴赏丛稿 by
ISBN: 7308108244Publication Date: 浙江大学出版社, 2013本书收录了中国古代书画史论和书画鉴定研究专家单国霖先生在书画鉴赏方面的论文数十篇, 内容包括时代与画派、画家与风格、法书名画评析、鉴定与品赏、收藏与述评等.世變形象流風 : 中國近代繪畫 1796-1949 學術研討會論文集 = Turmoil, representation, and trends, Modern Chinese painting, 1796-1949, International conference papers
ISBN: 9579997594Publication Date: 台北市 : 財團法人鴻禧藝術文教基金會, 民國97 [2008]659 p. In Chinese and EnglishOut of Character Decoding Chinese Calligraphy by
ISBN: 9780939117635Publication Date: San Francisco : Asian Art Museum, ©2012In English and Chinese
"This publication provides context and critical tools that viewers need in order to understand why this art form is so admired in Chinese tradition."In Pursuit of Heavenly Harmony, Paintings and Calligraphy by Bada Shanren by
ISBN: 0834805251Publication Date: Freer Gallery of Art, in association with Weatherhill, c2003書法鑑定 : 兼懷素"自敘帖"臨床診斷 = Connoisseurship in Chinese Calligraphy : a Clinical Diagnosis of Huaisu's "Autobiography" / 傅申著. by
ISBN: 9867519331Publication Date: 台北市 : 典藏藝術家庭股份有限公司, 2004399 p. In Chinese.
Chinese Bronzes: Art and Ritual by
ISBN: 0714114391Publication Date: British Museum Publications, c1987104 p.China's Renaissance in Bronze : the Robert H. Clague Collection of Later Chinese Bronzes, 1100-1900 by
ISBN: 0910407290Publication Date: Phoenix, AZ : Phoenix Art Museum, c1993吉金鑄國史 : 周原出土西周青銅器精粹 = Fine Western Zhou's Bronzes Unearthed from Zhouyuan by
ISBN: 7501013357Publication Date: 北京 : 文物出版社, 2002In ChineseThe Lloyd Cotsen Study Collection of Chinese Bronze Mirrors by
ISBN: 0974516880Publication Date: UCLA Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press, c2009-2011
Modern and Contemporary
中国艺术编年史 : 1900-2010 = A History of Chinese Art Year by Year from 1900 to 2010 by
ISBN: 7515303557Publication Date: 中国青年出版社, 2012In Chinese.Modernities of Chinese Art by
ISBN: 9789004177505Publication Date: Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2010347 p.Chinese Art : Modern Expressions by
ISBN: 0870999834Publication Date: New York : Dept. of Asian Art, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, c2001Published on the occasion of an international symposium, held on May 19, 2001 at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, which was organized in conjunction with an exhibition entitled 'Nineteenth and twentieth century Chinese paintings from the Robert H. Ellsworth collection in the Metropolitan Museum of Art' on view at the museum from Jan. 30-Aug. 19, 2001.Nine Lives : the Birth of Avant-Garde Art in New China by
ISBN: 9789881714336Publication Date: China, Timezone 8, 2008Total Modernity and the Avant-Garde in Twentieth-Century Chinese Art by
ISBN: 9780262014946Publication Date: MIT Press ; London : in association with China Art Foundation, c2011In EnglishModern Chinese Artists : a Biographical Dictionary by
ISBN: 0520244494Publication Date: Berkeley : University of California Press, c2006249 p.The Art of Modern China by
ISBN: 0520271068Publication Date: Berkeley, Calif. : University of California Press, 2012364 p.向祖国汇报 : 新中国美术60年 : 1949-2009 = 60 Years of Chinese Fine Arts : 1949-2009 by
ISBN: 9787102047188Publication Date: 北京 : 人民美術出版社, 2009In Chinese
711 p.Contemporary Chinese Art by
ISBN: 0500239207Publication Date: London : Thames & Hudson, [2014]Introduction: Spheres of contemporary Chinese art -- Part one: 1970s>1980s -- Beyond the revolution -- ’85 art new wave -- Rebirth of the artist -- Part two: 1990s -- A contemporary turn -- An age of experimentation (1): return of the real -- An age of experimentation (2): redefining Chinese art -- Part three: 1990s>2000s -- Contemporary Chinese art beyond China -- Conversation with tradition -- After normalization -- Conclusion.Visual Culture in Contemporary China by
ISBN: 9781107084391Publication Date: 2015-01-08"Tang presents a series of insightful readings of paradigmatic works in contemporary Chinese visual arts and cinema. Lucidly written and organized to address provocative questions, this compelling study underscores the global and historical context of Chinese visual culture and offers a timely new perspective on our understanding of China today."Contemporary Art in Asia, a Critical Reader by
ISBN: 9780262516235Publication Date: Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, c2011In English.Making History: Wu Hung on Contemporary Art. by
ISBN: 9789889961701Publication Date: Hong Kong : Timezone 8, c2008In English
278 p.A History of Art in 20th-Century China : 20世纪中国艺术史 by
ISBN: 9788881587797Publication Date: Milano : Charta, [2010], ©2010. (Truccazzano : Bianca & Volta, 2010)In English徐冰 : 回顾展 = Xu Bing A Retrospective by
ISBN: 9860440549Publication Date: 台北市立美术馆, 2014Chinese and EnglishThe Real Thing: Contemporary Art from China by
ISBN: 9781854377135Publication Date: London : Tate ; New York, N.Y. : distributed in the U.S. and Canada by Harry N. Abrams, 2007中国美术60年 = Sixty Years of Chinese Fine Arts : 1949-2009 / by
ISBN: 7010082200Publication Date: 北京 : 人民出版社, 2009In Chinese
6 v.Painters and Politics in the People's Republic of China, 1949-1979 by
ISBN: 0520079817Publication Date: Berkeley : University of California Press, c1994568 p.Art and China's Revolution by
ISBN: 9780300140644Publication Date: Asia Society, in association with Yale University Press, 2008