History of Japanese Art
History of Japanese Art by
ISBN: 0131176013Publication Date: Upper Saddle River, NJ : Pearson/Prentice Hall, c2005.432 p.Crossing the Sea, Essays on East Asian Art in Honor of Professor Yoshiaki Shimizu by
ISBN: 0691156530Publication Date: Princeton University Press, 2012335 p.Japan's Golden Age : Momoyama by
ISBN: 0300068972Publication Date: Yale University Press in association with Sun & Star 1996 and Dallas Museum of Art, 1996History of Art in Japan by
ISBN: 9784130870603Publication Date: Tokyo : University of Tokyo Press, 2018日本美術の歴史 (English version)Golden Age of Japan by
ISBN: 0847804925Publication Date: 1985English.
Translation of: Japan zur Heian Zeit.Japan : the Shaping of Daimyo Culture, 1185-1868 by
ISBN: 0807612146Publication Date: Washington : National Gallery of Art, c1988Japanese art of the Edo period by
ISBN: 0297833707Publication Date: London : Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1996Discovering the Arts of Japan by
ISBN: 9784770029393Publication Date: Kodansha International, 2003"Discovering the Arts of Japan is an image-driven history of Japanese art from the Jomon period (ca 10,500bc to 400bc) through the Meiji era (1868 to1912). "Visual Genesis of Japanese National Identity by
ISBN: 9789052014821Publication Date: Bruxelles ; New York : P.I.E. Peter Lang, c2009Elegant Perfection, Masterpieces of Courtly and Religious Art from the Tokyo National Museum by
ISBN: 0300175930Publication Date: Museum of Fine Arts, Houston,2012Traditional Japanese Arts and Culture by
ISBN: 9780824828783Publication Date: University of Hawaii Press, c2006Compiled in this volume is original material on Japanese arts and culture from the prehistoric era to the Meiji Restoration (1867).Arts of Japan, MFA Highlights by
ISBN: 9780878467143Publication Date: Boston : MFA Publications ; New York, N.Y. : D.A.P./Distributed Art Publishers, 2008The Arts of Japan : an International Symposium by
ISBN: 0870999516Publication Date: New York : Dept. of Asian Art, Metropolitan Museum of Art, c2000今、日本の美術史学をふりかえる = Present, and the Discipline of Art History in Japan by
Japanese; EnglishA Short Guide to Writing about Art by
ISBN: 0321292480Publication Date: New York : Pearson/Longman, c2005Obtaining Images:Art, Production and Display in Edo Japan by
ISBN: 9780824836139Publication Date: University of Hawaiʻi Press, c2012Symbols of Japan, Thematic Motifs in Art and Design by
ISBN: 084782361XPublication Date: New York, NY : Rizzoli, 2001日本美術史年表 = The Chronological Table of Japanese Art History by
ISBN: 4568400627Publication Date: 東京 : 美術出版社, 2002In Japanese.
What is Japanese architecture? by
ISBN: 477001211XPublication Date: New York, Kodansha International, 1985日本建築のかたち : 生活と建築造形の歷史 (English version)Introduction to Japanese Architecture by
ISBN: 0794601006Publication Date: [Singapore] : Periplus ; North Clarendon, VT : Distributor, Tuttle Pub., c2004128 p.The Way of the Carpenter by
ISBN: 0834802317Publication Date: 1990-10-01"The author, the first Westerner to be initiated into a traditional carpentry guild, begins by illuminating the significance of the "way" of the art and craft of carpentry in Japan, revealing the religious rituals that surround the carpenter's tools and the building process as well as the secret traditions and the trade's transmission from master to disciple over the centuries. ..."--Book flap.Architecture and Authority in Japan by
ISBN: 041505754XPublication Date: London ; New York : Routledge, 1996法隆寺の再検討 Horyuji Reconsidered by
ISBN: 9781847185679Publication Date: Newcastle : Cambridge Scholars, 2008In English.Traditional Japanese Architecture: an Exploration of Elements and Forms by
ISBN: 9784805309803Publication Date: Tokyo : Tuttle ; Enfield : Publishers Group UK [distributor], c2010223 p.Kenzo Tange : Architecture for the World by
ISBN: 3037783109Publication Date: Baden : Lars Müller ; London : Springer [distributor], 2012The Contemporary Tea House : Japan's Top Architects Redefine a Tradition by
ISBN: 9784770030467Publication Date: Tokyo ; New York : Kodansha International, 2007Kenzo Tange and the Metabolist Movement by
ISBN: 0415776597Publication Date: New York : Routledge, 2010In English.稲垣栄三著作集 by
ISBN: 4805514833Publication Date: 東京 : 中央公論美術出版 2006-1. 神社建築史研究 -- -- 4. 茶室・数寄屋建築研究 --5. 日本の近代建築,その成立過程 -- 6. 近代建築史研究Themes in the History of Japanese Garden Art by
ISBN: 0824823125Publication Date: University of Hawai'i Press, c2002The building of Horyu-ji : the technique and wood that made it possible by
ISBN: 4916055594Publication Date: Japan Publishing Industry Foundation for Culture, [2016]"Originally published in Japanese language, under the title of 'Hōryū-ji o sasaeta ki' by NHK Publishing, Inc. in 1978"Sakuteiki : visions of the Japanese garden : a modern translation of Japan's gardening classic by
ISBN: 0804832943Publication Date: Boston : Tuttle Pub., 2001The Great Eastern Temple : treasures of Japanese Buddhist art from Tōdai-ji by
ISBN: 0253203902Publication Date: Art Institute of Chicago, 1968Vernacular title 東大寺のすべて = Ultimate Tōdaiji: incomparable masterworks from Nara's Great Eastern Temple
Publication Date: 編集奈良国立博物館, 東大寺, 朝日新聞社Colophon title: 「大仏開眼一二五〇年東大寺のすべて」目錄
Modern and Contemporary
Modern Japanese Art and the Meiji State by
ISBN: 9781606060599Publication Date: Los Angeles : Getty Research Institute, c2011Meiji art and art administration -- Art and social class -- Art and economics -- The formation of academic discipline of art history and its development -- "Painting" and Kanji -- Artistic names and ideal worldviews -- Shajitsu, Shashin, and Shasei -- "History" and "man" -- The end of the Kano school -- The formation of the historical evaluation of Kano Hōgai -- The formation of the historical evaluation of Kawanabe Kyōsai.Japonisme and the Rise of the Modern Art Movement : the Arts of the Meiji Period : the Khalili Collection by
ISBN: 9780500239131Publication Date: New York : Thames & Hudson, 2013Since Meiji, Perspectives on the Japanese Visual Arts, 1868-2000 by
ISBN: 9780824835828Publication Date: University of Hawaiʻi Press, c2012Painting Circles: Tsuchida Bakusen and Nihonga Collectives in Early Twentieth Century Japan by
ISBN: 9789004216723Publication Date: Boston : Brill, 2013Radicals and Realists in the Japanese Nonverbal Arts : the Avant-Garde Rejection of Modernism by
ISBN: 9780824830113Publication Date: Honolulu : University of Hawaii Press, c2006Mirroring the Japanese Empire, the Male Figure in Yoga Painting, 1930-1950 by
ISBN: 9004227679Publication Date: Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2015Deco Japan, Shaping Art and Culture, 1920-1945 by
ISBN: 0883971577Publication Date: Alexandria, Va. : Art Services International, 2012The Brittle Decade, Visualizing Japan in the 1930's by
ISBN: 9780878467693Publication Date: Boston : MFA Publications, c2012Art and War in Japan and Its Empire, 1931-1960 by
ISBN: 9004229000Publication Date: Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2013400 p.In Pursuit of Universalism, Yorozu Tetsugoro and Japanese Modern Art by
ISBN: 0520259521Publication Date: Berkeley : University of California Press ; Washington, D.C. : Phillips Collection, c2010From Postwar to Postmodern, Art in Japan, 1945-1989 by
ISBN: 9780822353683Publication Date: Museum of Modern Art ; Durham, 2012"Brings together critical historical documents, many of which are translated into English for the first time, in Japanese arts from the end of World War II through the next four and a half decades."--P. 14.Tokyo 1955-1970: A New Avant-Garde by
ISBN: 9780870708343Publication Date: New York : Museum of Modern Art, 2012In English.Making modern Japanese-style painting : Kano Hōgai and the Search for Images by
ISBN: 9780226110806Publication Date: University of Chicago Press, 2015誌上のユートピア 近代日本の絵画と美術雑誌1889-1915 = Utopia of Images and Letters, Japanese Modern Art and Art Magazine, 1889-1915
Publication Date: [東京] : 美術館連絡協議会, 2008.Catalogue of exhibition held at Kanagawa Kenritsu Kindai Bijutsukan from January 26, 2008 to March 9, 2008, and two other locations. In Japanese.Japanese Art After 1945 Scream Against The Sky=戦後日本の前衛美術空へ叫び by
ISBN: 0810935120Publication Date: New York : H.N. Abrams, 1994もうひとつの明治美術 : 明治美術会から太平洋画会へ = Another History of Meiji Art : From the Meiji Art Society to the Pacific Art Society
Publication Date: Shizuoka Kenritsu Bijutsukan, 2003Chiefly Japanese, with summaries and list of works also in English.近现代日本美术的变迁 = Changes of Japanese Modern Art by
ISBN: 7308098451Publication Date: 杭州 : 浙江大学出版社, 2012"近现代日本美术经历了明治、大正、昭和、平成的漫长而又复杂的历史阶段, 它从中国绘画与西方绘画中吸收了精华之处, 形成了自己独特的民族绘画; 在这一发展过程中, 先后涌现出许多优秀的日本画家, 其作品的内容和风格也表现了近现代日本社会的变迁迹象."
In Chinese.Shomei Tomatsu, Skin of the Nation
ISBN: 0300106041Publication Date: San Francisco Museum of Modern Art in association with Yale University Press, New Haven, c2004「具体」ってなんだ? 結成50周年の前衛美術グループ18年の記錄 by
ISBN: 4568201772Publication Date: 東京 : 美術出版社, 2004Text in Japanese and English.Gutai : decentering modernism by
ISBN: 9784568201772Publication Date: 2011-03-15Gutai is the first book in English to examine Japan's best-known modern art movement, a circle of postwar artists whose avant-garde paintings, performances, and installations foreshadowed many key developments in American and European experimental art.Little boy : the Arts of Japan's Exploding Subculture by
ISBN: 0913304573Publication Date: New York : Japan Society ; New Haven, Conn. : Yale University Press, 2005日本近現代美術史事典 = Encyclopedia of Modern Japanese Art
ISBN: 9784487733354Publication Date: Tōkyō : Tōkyō Shoseki, 2007In Japanese美術にぶるっ!ベストセレクション日本近代美術の一〇〇年 = Art Will Thrill You! : The Essence of Modern Japanese Art by
Publication Date: NHK : NHKプロモーション, ©2012東京国立近代美術館60周年記念特別展
In Japanese with some English
Religious Art of Japan
Preserving the Dharma : Hōzan Tankai and Japanese Buddhist Art of the Early Modern Era by
ISBN: 9780691163970Publication Date: Princeton University Press, [2015]Portraits of Chogen, the Transformation of Buddhist Art in Early Medieval Japan by
ISBN: 9004168648Publication Date: Leiden : Brill, 2011Faith and Power in Japanese Buddhist art, 1600-2005. by
ISBN: 9780824831264Publication Date: University of Hawai’i Press, c2007Before and Beyond the Image : Aniconic Symbolism in Buddhist Art by
ISBN: 9783907077139Publication Date: Zürich : Artibus Asiae Publishers, 2004The Great Eastern Temple : Treasures of Japanese Buddhist Art from Tōdai-ji by
ISBN: 0253326346Publication Date: 1986-07-01Explaining Pictures : Buddhist Propaganda and Etoki Storytelling in Japan by
ISBN: 9780824826970Publication Date: Honolulu : University of Hawaii Press, c2006The Face of Jizo : Image and Cult in Medieval Japanese Buddhism by
ISBN: 9780824835811Publication Date: Honolulu : University of Hawaiʻi Press, c2012The Great Age of Japanese Buddhist Sculpture, AD 600-1300 by
ISBN: 9780912804071Publication Date: Kimbell Art Museum ; New York : Japan Society, [1982]-01Classic Buddhist Sculpture by
ISBN: 9780870115295Publication Date: Tokyo ; New York : Kodansha Internationa, 1982Zen and Japanese Culture by
ISBN: 0691144621Publication Date: Princeton University Press, 2010478 p. In English.The Art of Zen: Paintings and Calligraphy by Japanese Monks, 1600-1925 by
ISBN: 0810918862Publication Date: New York : H.N. Abrams, 1989223 p.Zen Masters of Meditation in Images and Writings by
ISBN: 390707062Publication Date: Zürich : Artibus Asiae, 1996In English.Zen Mind Zen Brush by
ISBN: 0734763913Publication Date: Sydney, N.S.W. : Art Gallery of New South Wales, 2006Shinto : the Sacred Art of Ancient Japan by
ISBN: 9780714114989Publication Date: London : British Museum, c2001Japanese Mandalas : Representations of Sacred Geography by
ISBN: 0824820002Publication Date: Honolulu : Unviersity of Hawai’i Press, 1999国宝大神社展 = Great Exhibition of Sacred Treasures from Shinto Shrines by
Publication Date: 2013In Japanese; List of works and summaries also in English.聖地寧波 (ニンポー):日本仏教1300年の源流 :すべてはここからやってきた = Sacred Ninbo, Gateway to 1300 Years of Japanese Buddhism
Publication Date: Nara Kokuritsu hakubutsukan, 2009Greetings and list of exhibitions are in English.仏教説話の美術 by
ISBN: 4784208453Publication Date: 京都市 : 思文閣出版, 平成 8 [1996」Summary and list of contents are in English, with caption title: Depictions of Buddhist scriptures.栄西と建仁寺,開山、栄西禅師八00年遠忌 = Yosai and The Treasures of Kenninji, The 800th Memorial of Yosai Roots of Zen by
Publication Date: [日本] : 読売新聞社, 二〇一四.本展覧会では、俵屋宗達の「風神雷神図屏風」、海北友松の『雲龍図」などが展示されました。法然生涯と美術 :法然上人八百回忌=Honen : The Life and Art of the Founder of the Pure Land Buddhist Sect
Publication Date: Kyoto National Museum, 2011
Painting & Calligraphy
Colorful Realm, Japanese Bird-and-Flower Paintings by Ito Jakuchu by
ISBN: 9780226484600Publication Date: National Gallery of Art, 2012Ink and Gold, Art of the Kano by
ISBN: 9780300210491Publication Date: Philadelphia Museum of Art ; New Haven : In association with Yale University Press, 2015305 p. In English.Tosa Mitsunobu and the Small Scroll in Medieval Japan. by
ISBN: 0295989025Publication Date: Seattle : University of Washington Press, 2009xii, 292 pPainting of the Realm, the Kano House of Painters in Seventeenth-Century Japan by
ISBN: 9780295991542Publication Date: Seattle : University of Washington Press, 2011Awakenings : Zen Figure Painting in Medieval Japan by
ISBN: 9780300119640Publication Date: New York : Japan Society ; New Haven, Conn. ; London : Yale University Press, 2007Drama and Desire, Japanese paintings from the floating world, 1690-1850 by
ISBN: 9780878467105Publication Date: Boston, MA : Museum of Fine Arts, c2007243 p.The Paintings of Jakuchu by
ISBN: 0810935007Publication Date: New York : Asia Society Galleries, 1989The Tale of Genji by
ISBN: 0691188750Publication Date: 2018"An illustrated guide to one of the most enduring masterworks of world literature Written in the eleventh century by the Japanese noblewoman Murasaki Shikibu, The Tale of Genji is a masterpiece of prose and poetry that is widely considered the world's first novel."Splendid Impressions, Japanese Secular Painting 1400-1900 in the Museum of East Asian Art, Cologne by
ISBN: 9789004206113Publication Date: Leiden : Hotei, c2011An Enduring Vision : 17th- to 20th-century Japanese Painting from the Gitter-Yelen Collection by
ISBN: 0894940872Publication Date: New Orleans Museum of Art ; University of Washington Press, 2002Zen Paintings in Edo Japan (1600-1868) by
ISBN: 9781409470427Publication Date: Franham Surrey, England ; Burlington : Ashgate, 2014The Written Image : Japanese Calligraphy and Painting from the Sylvan Barnet and William Burto Collection by
ISBN: 588390683Publication Date: Metropolitan Museum of Art ; New Haven : Yale University Press, c2002アメリカに渡った物語絵、絵巻、屏風、絵本 by
ISBN: 9784831513427Publication Date: 東京都文京区 : ぺりかん社, 2013Six chapters translated from the English; abstracts in English.王朝の仏画と儀礼 = Buddhist painting of the Heian and Kamakura periods by
ISBN: 9784784302024Publication Date: 至文堂, 平成 12 [2000]Foreword and list of exhibits also in English.長谷川等伯 :没後400年 by
Publication Date: [Tokyo] : 每日新聞社 : NHK : NHK プロモーション, 2010Catalog of exhibitions held at Tōkyō Kokuritsu Hakubutsukan, Kyōto Kokuritsu Hakubutsukan, Feb. 23-May 9, 2010.琳派 by
Call Number: v. 1-2. 花鳥 -- v. 3. 風月・鳥獣 -- v. 4. 人物 -- v. 5. 綜合ISBN: 4879405086Publication Date: [Kyoto] : 紫紅社, 1989-1992In Japanese, summaries and lists of works also in English.琳派美術館 = Rinpa Museum
Publication Date: Tōkyō : Shūeisha, 19931. Sōtatsu to Rinpa no genryū -- 2. Kōrin to Kamigata Rinpa -- 3. Hōitsu to Edo Rinpa -- 4. Kōgei to Rinpa kankaku no tenkai
In Japanese.Rimpa Art from the Idemitsu Collection, Tokyo by
ISBN: 0714114863Publication Date: London : British Museum Press, 1998184 p.酒井抱一と江戸琳派の全貌/Sakai Hōitsu to Edo Rinpa no zenbō
ISBN: 9784763011336Publication Date: Tōkyō : Kyūryūdō, 2011紅白梅図屏風 = Red and White Plum Blossoms Screens by
ISBN: 4805505001Publication Date: Chūō Kōron Bijutsu Shuppan, 2005Japanese and English.宗達、光琳、抱一:琳派 by
ISBN: 4397504067Publication Date: Tōkyō : Shinshindō, 1993Table of contents, list of plates and summary also in English.古畫総覧. 円山四条派系 : Photographic Archive of Japanese Paintings by
ISBN: 4336041717Publication Date: 東京 : 国書刊行会, 2000-20056 vDemon of Painting, The Art of Kawanabe Kyosai by
ISBN: 9780714114620Publication Date: British Museum Press, c1993"Published to accompany an exhibition organized by the British Museum, the Kawanabe Kyōsai Memorial Museum and Asahi Shimbun ... 1 December 1993-13 February 1994"--T.p. verso.生誕四〇〇年記念, 狩野探幽展 = Painting by Kano Tanyu, Commemorating the 400th of Tanyu's Birth by
Publication Date: Tokyo : 日本経済新聞社, c2002.Summary and list of exhibits also in English.The Sound of One Hand, Paing and Calligraphy by Zen Master Hakuin by
ISBN: 9781590305782Publication Date: Boston : Shambhala, 2010287 p.An Introduction to Japanese Calligraphy by
ISBN: 9781844480579Publication Date: Tunbridge Wells : Search, 2005書の国宝、墨蹟 = Bokuseki : Treasures of Calligraphy by Zen Priests
Publication Date: 大阪私立美術館、五島美術館、2006
The Harunobu Decade by
Call Number: 2 v.ISBN: 9789004233546Publication Date: Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, 2013Yokohama, Prints from Nineteenth-century Japan by
ISBN: 0874749999Publication Date: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1990Japan Awakens : Woodblock Prints of the Meiji Period (1868-1912) by
ISBN: 9780764946356Publication Date: San Francisco, CA : Pomegranate Communications, c2008.The Hotei Encyclopedia of Japanese Woodblock Prints by
ISBN: 9074822657Publication Date: Amsterdam : Hotei Publishing, 2001The Japanese Print: Its Evolution and Essence by
Publication Date: Tokyo, Palo Alto, Calif., Kodansha International [1966]In English.The Art of The Japanese Book by
ISBN: 085667317XPublication Date: London : Published for Sotheby's Publications by P. Wilson2 v. (1131 p.)The Dawn of the Floating World 1650-1765 by
ISBN: 0810966441Publication Date: London : Royal Academy of Arts, 2001Undercurrents in the Floating World, Censorship and Japanese Prints by
ISBN: 0878480749Publication Date: New York : Asia Society Galleries, c1991Published on the occasion of ... an exhibition organized by the Asia Society Galleries, New York. October 9, 1991-January 5, 1992.Kitagawa Utamaro : Woodblock Prints from the British Museum by
ISBN: 9781904864660Publication Date: British Museum, 2010Kuniyoshi and Kunisada: Samurai and Beautiful Women by
ISBN: 377573239XPublication Date: Ostfildern : Hatje Cantz Verlag, [2012]"This publication offers a rare opportunity to compare the two artists' illustrations of the same themes, and includes essays that provide an introduction to nineteenth-century Japanese popular culture and bridge the gap between the centuries by exploring aspects of the grotesque in Japanese art, explaining legends and plays, and presenting some of Kuniyoshi's preliminary studies."Japanese Woodblock Pints: Artists, Publishers, and Masterworks, 1680-1900 by
ISBN: 9784805310557Publication Date: Tokyo ; Rutland, Vt. : Tuttle Pub., an imprint of Periplus Editions, 2010Japan at the Dawn of the Modern Age : Woodblock Prints from the Meiji Era, 1868-1912 by
ISBN: 0878466193Publication Date: Boston, Mass. : MFA Publications, Museum of Fine Arts, 2001Reading Surimono : the Interplay of Text and Image in Japanese Prints, With a Catalogue of the Marino Lusy Collection by
ISBN: 9004168419Publication Date: Zürich : Museum Rietberg ; Leiden ; Boston : in association with Hotei, 2008The Actor's Image: Print Makers of the Katsukawa School by
ISBN: 0691036276Publication Date: Art Institute of Chicago in association with Princeton University Press, c1994Designed for Pleasure: the World of Edo Japan in Prints and Paintings, 1680-1860 by
ISBN: 9780295987866Publication Date: Asia Society and Japanese Art Society of America, 2008Hiroshige, Prints and Drawings by
ISBN: 3791345400Publication Date: Munich ; New York : Prestel, 2011Utagawa Kuniyoshi : the Sixty-nine Stations of the Kisokaido by
ISBN: 076494889XPublication Date: Boston : Museum of Fine Arts ; San Francisco : Pomegranate, 2009吉田博全木版画集 = The complete woodblock prints of Yoshida Hiroshi
ISBN: 4900090514Publication Date: Tōkyō : Abe Shuppan, c1987"This volume is completed with a portrait, an illustrated printing process, chronological history, bibliography, and list of public collections."
Text in Japanese and English.Kawase Hasui : the Complete Woodblock Prints by
ISBN: 9074822460Publication Date: Amsterdam : Hotei, 2003Kuniyoshi, from the Arthur R Miller Collection by
ISBN: 9781905711406Publication Date: London : Royal Academy of Arts, 2009Images from the floating world : the Japanese print : including an illustrated dictionary of ukiyo-e by
ISBN: 9780880290074Publication Date: 1982Seven Masters : 20th Century Japanese Woodblock Prints from the Wells Collection by
ISBN: 0989371875Publication Date: Minneapolis Institute of Arts, [2015]Munakata, Shikō : Japanese master of the modern print by
ISBN: 1588860213Publication Date: 2002-01-01
Tea in Japan: Essays on the History of Chanoyu by
ISBN: 0824812182Publication Date: Honolulu : University of Hawaii Press, c1989A Chanoyu Vocabulary : Practical Terms for the Way of Tea = 英語版実用茶道用語辞典
ISBN: 4473033988Publication Date: 京都市 : 淡交社, 2007Japanese Tea Culture: Art, History and Practice by
ISBN: 0415296870Publication Date: London ; New York, NY : RoutledgeCurzon, 2003The ideologies of Japanese Tea : Subjectivity, Transience and National Identity by
ISBN: 9781905246748Publication Date: Folkestone, UK : Global Oriental, 2009特別展覧会四百年忌千利休展 = Special exhibition Sen-no Rikyu, the 400th memorial by
List of exhibits also in English.