- 数字敦煌 --Digital Dunhuang"数字敦煌”项目利用先进的科学技术与文物保护理念,对敦煌石窟和相关文物进行全面的数字化采集、加工和存储。将已经获得和将要获得的图像、视频、三维等多种数据和文献数据汇集起来,构建一个多元化与智能化相结合的石窟文物数字化资源库、通过互联网和移动互联网面向全球共享,并建立数字资产管理系统和数字资源科学的保障体系."
- National Palace Museum Database (Taiwan)The database contains high quality digital images of objects in the National Palace Museum's collection as well as catalog information about each object in Chinese. It also includes digital copies of Museum periodical publications (1983-2010). The table of contents of every issue is searchable by year of publication and by volume number. Full text downloads and prints are available. Publications are in Chinese.
- e-Museum (National Treasures & Important Cultural Properties of National Institutes for Cultural Heritage, Japan)This site provides high definition images of national treasures and important cultural properties owned by four national museums (Tokyo National Museum, Kyoto National Museum, Nara National Museum and Kyushu National Museum) that belong to the National Institutes for Cultural Heritage, together with their descriptions in multiple languages (Japanese, English, French, Chinese and Korean).
- A to Z Photo Dictionary Japanese Buddhist Statuary (Gods, Goddesses, Shinto Kami, Creatures & Demons)You can search for English words or phrases, and for Japanese or Chinese words and phrases.
- The Huntington Archives (Buddhist Art)The Huntington Photographic Archive of Buddhist and Asian Art contains nearly 300,000 original slides and photographs – photographic documentation of art and architecture throughout Asia. Countries covered in the collection include India, Indonesia, Burma, China, and Japan. The documentation covers in situ works of art and architecture ranging from approximately 2500 B.C.E. to the present, as well as pieces found in most major Asian, European, and American museums.
- 絵巻物データべース(Japanese Handscrolls Database)Database of images of Emakimono (picture scrolls) held at the Nichibunken Library.
- ARTstor on JSTORARTstor – available through JSTOR - is a growing nonprofit digital library of over 2 million rights-cleared images representing the arts, architecture, humanities, and social sciences. The digital images are discoverable alongside journals, books, and other primary sources in JSTOR, which features an accessible suite of software tools for teaching and research. For Harvard users, JSTOR also provides access to many images from the Fine Arts Library’s Digital Images and Slides Collection in the Harvard University Study Collection of Digital Images.
- Chinese Rubbings CollectionThe virtual collection for Chinese rubbings provides access to all currently cataloged and digitized rubbings held by Harvard collections. The virtual collection as of January 2008 includes 1,945 rubbings housed in the Fine Arts Library.
- Hollis ImagesHollis Images is a growing online union catalog documenting the arts, material culture, and social history. Hollis Images contains descriptive records and images representing paintings, sculpture, photography, drawings, prints, architecture, decorative arts, trade cards, rubbings, theater designs, maps and plans. Participating repositories include archives, museums, libraries, and other collections throughout Harvard University.
- Digital Archives of Bronze Rubbings from Taipei Fu Ssu Nien LibraryAmong the collections of the Fu-Ssu-Nien Library of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, there are approximately 2200 pieces of rubbings of the Liao, Chin and Yuan dynasties. They contain epitaphs, inscribed scripture, Buddhist inscriptions, poetry, Taoism, Buddhism, sacred edicts and so on