Electronic Texts

In this section, you will find listings for individual journals, as opposed to the database collections of journals in the previous section. There are also listings of directories of individual research papers from several sources.

At Harvard

To search for electronic journals that are currently available at Harvard that are relevant to research on the topics of philosophy and religion, please consult the E-Research Find E-Journals page.

18th Century Collections Online

The database, 18th Century Collections Online, holds digital images of over over a hundred thousand eighteenth century texts from a variety of disciplines and authors. Relevant philosophy-related texts include those by Berkeley, Hume, and Kant.

Cambridge Wittgenstein Archive

The Cambridge Wittgenstein Archive provides online access to electronic facsimiles of the works of Wittgenstein in their collection. The amount of materials that are currently available online is limited, and there is only a sample of the work, not the complete work in question. Most of the material provided is bibliographic in nature. The site is available in both English and in German.


PastMasters provides complete electronic texts of the primary texts, published and unpublished, of major philosophers, such as Ayer, Descartes, Kant, and Wittgenstein. PastMasters provides these works in the original language and in translation. Many of PastMasters' translations and texts are older ones found in the public domain, i.e., those that fall outside the limits of copyright. While the database does appear, at first, to be a bit overwhelming, it does offer clear instructions on how to use its search functionality. Click on the red “i” icon for more information.

Online Papers

Diotima: Materials for the Study of Women and Gender in the Ancient World

Named for the woman who instructed Socrates on love in the Symposium, Diotima promotes the cross-disciplinary study of gender in the ancient Greco-Roman world. There are free peer-reviewed articles, images, bibliographies, anthologies of primary sources, and other information that may be of use to those interested in gender studies and/or classical thought.

The Philosopher's Imprint

The Philosopher's Imprint is a free online philosophy journal that presents research in the analytic tradition.


PhOnline provides a listing of papers and Web sites of philosophers from academic institutions around the country.

People with Online Papers in Philosophy

David Chalmers provides a list of online papers in philosophy. The links take the reader to the home pages of the various authors in question, at which they can access the papers. The site lists papers under the topics of consciousness, perception, content, mind, artificial intelligence (AI), cognitive science (cogsci), language, linguistics, metaphysics, epistemology, physics, biology, science, logic, math, religion, ethics, social/political, applied ethics, aesthetics, ancient/medieval, 17th & 18th centuries, 19th & 20th centuries, cognitive scientists, and “other.”

Tanner Lectures on Human Values

The Tanner Lectures on Human Values are an annual series of discussions on human values from scientific and educational perspectives. The site lists the times, locations, and topics for upcoming lectures. It also provides PDF versions of previous lectures (back to the late 1970s) that can be downloaded and read without cost.