Reference Tools
The following list represents some of the key manuscript catalogs, indexes, calendars of charters and rolls, and bibliographies of medieval authors available in microform at Harvard.
Bibliotheque nationale (France). Department des manuscrits. Les catalogues du Department des manuscrit de la Bibliotheque nationale. 2500 fiche.
British Library. Department of Manuscripts. Calendars of Charters and Rolls in the Manuscript Collection of the British Library. 19 reels. Calendars included: Additional charters and rolls 1-59845. Church briefs. Cotton charters and rolls. Egerton charters and rolls 1-1295. Harley charters. Lansdown charters and rolls. Lord Frederick Campbell charters. Sloan charters and rolls. Topham charters. Wolley charters. (The Royal rolls and Stowe charters have printed guides and their manuscript calendars are not included.) There are entries for over 75,000 documents, including 6000 European documents, mainly from France. The calendars of charters are the only fully descriptive catalogues of the contents of these collections. They contain short summaries of the contents of charters acquired by the Department of Manuscripts up to 1911. For collections in microform of the actual charters themselves, see item no. 33 of this guide: Property and Privilege in medieval and early modern England and 1000-ca. 1600.
Microfilm Corpus of the Indexes to Printed Catalogues of Latin Manuscripts Before 1600 A.D. 39 reels. [FILM A 414] Guide: [INDEX Film A 414]. This collection is based on P.O. Kristeller's Latin Manuscript Books Before 1600 (3rd edition, 1965); the films are arranged in the order of the listing in LMB. Where Harvard College Library had the publication, its call number is given in parentheses after the Harvard location (MH). (This is the first of three related projects undertaken by the Catalogus translationum et commentariorum.) [B 3360.7.3] [INDEX Film A 414.1] HOLLIS Record
Microfilm Corpus of the Unpublished Inventories of Latin Manuscripts Through 1600 A.D. 340 reels. [Film A 414.1] Another project of the Catalogus translationum..., this one aims to provide a comprehensive collection of all unpublished inventories. The project is built upon (but does not include) a nucleus of films from Austria and Italy that were deposited in the Library of Congress after World War II, part of an earlier but unfinished attempt to create such a corpus. This project takes up where the earlier one left off and has created as complete a collection as possible of all other unpublished inventories. (It is hoped to make the LC films available in the not too distant future.) Guide: [INDEX Film A 414.1] HOLLIS Record
Repertoire bio-bibliographique des auteurs latins, patristiques et medievaux. 500 fiche. [Microfiche W 3135] Guide: [INDEX Microfiche W 3135] This bibliography has been compiled over the last 50 years by the staff of the Institut de recherche et d'histoire des textes. Each of the 210,000 entries in this collection includes: bio-bibliographical information on the author; information on the work (bibliography, brief description and location of manuscripts and editions); references to the word in scholarly journals and books; the incipit and explicit. HOLLIS Record
Repertoire des fins des textes latins classiques et medievaux. 220 fiche. [Microfiche W 3133] Guide: [INDEX Microfiche W 3133]. This catalog of explicits contains 95,000 entries. It has been prepared by the Institut de recherche ed d'histoire des textes and is based in part on: Bibliotheca teubneriana, Patrologie latine, Monumenta germaniae historica, etc. HOLLIS Record
Repertoire d'incipit de sermons antiquite tardive et moyen age. [Microfiche W 3134] Guide: [INDEX Microfiche W 3134]. A catalog of 70,000 incipits prepared be the Institut de recherche et histoire des textes. HOLLIS Record