British Library

British Library. Department of Manuscripts. Index of Manuscripts in the British Library. Cambridge, England, 1984-1986. 10 v. [WID-LC Z921.L553 B74x 1984F] This is the first published listing (by personal name and place) in one alphabetical sequence of the holdings of the Department of Manuscripts of the British Library. HOLLIS Record

British Library. Department of Manuscripts. Catalogue of Dated and Datable Manuscripts in the Department of Manuscripts, The British Library by Andrew G. Watson. London, 1979. 2 v. [WID-LC Z921.B8537x 1979] HOLLIS Record

Cotton Collection

Medieval Literary and Historical Manuscripts in the Cotton Collection, c. 1150-c. 1450. [Film A 587]. Part 1: Cotton Julius-Cotton Tiberius. Part 2: Cotton Caligula-Cotton Claudius. Part 3: Cotton Nero-Cotton Otho. Part 4: Cotton Vitellus. Part 5: Cotton Vespasian. Part 6: Cotton Titus. Part 7: Cotton Domitian-Cotton Appendix. In progress. HOLLIS Record

Guide: [INDEX Film A 587 - reel guide / INDEX Film A 587.1] There is an index on the first reel of each part. In addition, manuscripts are described in A Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Cottonian Library Deposited in the British Museum. Hildesheim, 1974 (reprint of the 1802 ed.). When complete, the set will comprise some 300 Cotton manuscripts; literary manuscripts will include Cotton Nero A.x, the unique manuscript of the works of the Gawain-poet. HOLLIS Record

Sloane and Additional Manuscripts

British Literary Manuscripts from the British Library, to c. 1500. Part 1: Sloane and Additional manuscripts. 21 reels. Part 2: Additional manuscripts. 21 reels. [Film A 521.3] HOLLIS Record

Guide: [INDEX Film A 521.3] Entries from the British Library catalogues of manuscripts also appear at the beginning of each reel. Included are four texts of the Canterbury Tales (Sloane 1685, 1686, 5140 and Add. MS 35286); the Legende of Good Women (Add. MS 12044) and Troylus and Creseide of Chaucer; four texts of Langland's Piers Plowman (Add. MSS 10574, 34779, 35157 and 35287); Gower's Confessio amantis (add. MSS 1432 and 12043); and Paston family papers and correspondence. HOLLIS Record

Cambridge University Library

All Cambridge University Library manuscripts are described in...

A Catalogue of the Manuscripts Preserved in the Library of the University of Cambridge. Cambridge, 1856-1867. 6 v. reprinted Munich, 1980. [INDEX Film A 519.1] [WID-LC Z 921.C18x 1980]

See also...

Robinson, P. R. Catalogue of Dated and Datable Manuscripts c. 737-1600 in Cambridge Libraries. Cambridge, 1988. 2 v.

The Early and Central Middle Ages, c. 650 - c. 1200. Part 1: Manuscripts from Section A (MSS Dd-Gg). 10 reels. Part 2: Manuscripts from Section B (MSS Hh-Mm), Additional manuscripts, and the Ely Charter of 974. 15 reels. [Film A 592]

Guide: Contents and full description of each manuscript are given on the first reel of each part. This collection includes 15 Cambridge University Library items listed in Ker's Catalogue of Manuscripts Containing Anglo-Saxon [B 3335.5] as well as 25 Cambridge University Library items listed in Gneuss's `Manuscripts Written or Owned in England Before 1200.' Major authors include Aelfric, Aldheim and Bede.

British Literary Manuscripts from Cambridge University Library, c. 1150-1500. 49 reels. Part 1: Manuscripts from MSS Dd-Ff. Part 2: Manuscripts from MSS Gg-Ii. Part 3: Manuscripts from MSS Kk-Oo and Add. [Film A 519]

Guide: [INDEX Film A 519] This collection includes works in Latin and French as well as English. There are, i.a., four texts of the Canterbury Tales and six manuscripts of Langland's The Vision Concerning Piers the Plowman.

Cambridge Colleges

Pembroke College. The Medieval Manuscript Library of Pembroke College, Cambridge.

Trinity College, Cambridge: The Manuscript Collection. Section V. Part A: General literature. 31 reels. [Film A 324]

Guide: [INDEX Film A 324] [B 3674.34.5] Reel guide and concordance to M. R. James's The Western Manuscripts in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge. Cambridge, 1900-1904. 4 v. Includes texts of Langland, Chaucer, Gower and Lydgate.

National Library of Scotland

British Manuscripts from the National Literary Library of Scotland, Edinburgh. Part 1: Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts, c. 1300 - c. 1700. 20 reels. [Film A 602]

Guide: [INDEX Film A 602] A descriptive entry for each manuscript also appears at the beginning of the appropriate individual reel. This collection includes Wyntoun's Chronicle; and the Auchinleck manuscript (c. 1330).

Oxford University

For catalogues of Oxford manuscripts, see...

Oxford University. Bodleian Library. Catalogi codicum manuscriptorum bibliothecae Bodleianae...Oxford, 1845-1918. [For Harvard's holdings, consult the Union Catalog]

 Watson, Andrew G. Catalogue of Dated and Datable Manuscripts c. 435-1600 in Oxford Libraries. Oxford, 1984. 2 v. [WID-LC Z 921.A13 093998x 1984]

Medieval Manuscripts in Microform. Series I: Major Treasures in the Bodeleian Library. [Microfiche W 3009.1, etc.]

This collection includes:

MS Bodley 264, The Romances of Alexander, and The Travels of Marco Polo, 1338-1344 and ca. 1400. 11 fiche. [Microfiche W 3009.1, etc.] Guide: [INDEX Microfiche W 3009.1]

MS Douce 180, The Douce Apocalypse, ca. 1272. 3 fiche. [Microfiche W 3009.2] Guide: [INDEX Microfiche W 3009.2]

MS Douce 366, The Ormsby Psalter, ca. 1300. 9 fiche. [Microfiche W 3009.3] Guide: [INDEX Microfiche W 3009.3]

MSS Douce 219-220, The Engelbert Book of Hours, ca. 1480-1490. 5 fiche. [Microfiche W 3009.4] Guide: [INDEX Microfiche W 3009.4]

MS Bodley 270b, Bible Moralisee, ca 1250. 5 fiche. [Microfiche W 3009.5] Guide: [INDEX Microfiche W 3009.5]

MS Douce 313, The Franciscan Missal, ca 1350. 15 fiche. [Microfiche W 3009.6] Guide: [INDEX Microfiche W 3009.6]

MS Univ Coll 165, Bede's Life of St. Cuthbert. 3 fiche. [Microfiche W 3009.7] Guide: [INDEX Microfiche W 3009.7]

MS Bodley 130, Bodley Herbal and Bestiary, ca. 1100. 4 fiche. [Microfiche W 3009.8] Guide: [INDEX Microfiche W 3009.8]

MS Auct.F.2.13, Terence, Comedies, ca. 1150. 6 fiche. [Microfiche W 3009.9] Guide: [INDEX Microfiche W 3009.9]

MS Auct.D.2.19, The Macregol or Rushworth Gospels, ca. 800. 8 fiche. [Microfiche W 3009.10] Guide: [INDEX Microfiche W 3009.10]

Note: Many fiche in this collection are in color.

Oxford Colleges

St. John's College (University of Oxford). The Manuscript Collection of St. John's College, Oxford.


Society of Antiquaries of London. British Literary and Historical Manuscripts from the Society of Antiquaries, London.

Society of Antiquaries of London. Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts from the Society of Antiquaries, London.

Subject Guide

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Steve Kuehler