Academic Search Premier (EBSCOHOST): is a multi-disciplinary database containing citations and abstracts from over 4,500 scholarly publications (journals, magazines and newspapers). Full text is available and searchable for more than 3,500 of the publications. Most complete coverage begins in the 1990s, and the file is updated daily.
Alt-Press Watch: a full text database of newspapers, magazines and journals from alternative and independent presses. Serves a broad spectrum of subjects including arts, media and popular culture, business and labor studies, education, environmental studies and ecology, global studies, history, journalism, literary and critical studies, political science, government and public policy, social science and more.
Bibliography of Asian Studies: the standard, best-known index for Western-language publications in the field of East, South, and Southeast Asian Studies. The online version contains citations to articles from the 100 most-used journals in Asian studies. Covers from 1971 to the present.
A tip for using the online Bibliography of Asian Studies: To get fast access to a wide range of topics (from Anthropology & Sociology to Science & Technology and much more) about a particular East Asian country, click on Browse the BAS by Country-Subject.
Columbia International Affairs Online (CIAO): is designed to be a comprehensive source for theory and research in international affairs. It publishes a wide range of scholarship from 1991 on that includes working papers from university research institutes, occasional papers series from non-governmental organizations, foundation-funded research projects, and proceedings from conferences. At least 400 working papers, 40-50 papers presented at conferences, and 10-12 complete books are added, cross-indexed, and archived annually. It also has more than 160 links to international affairs centers, institutes, and resources; U.S., international, and foreign government sites; environmental studies Web pages; and news media services.
EIU Country Reports: provide quarterly analysis and forecasts of the political, economic and business environment in nearly 200 countries. Included in each Country Report is a detailed review and analysis of political and economic events, a compilation of the latest economic indicators as well as a 12-24 month political outlook and economic projection. Annual Country Profiles include statistical tables covering five years of the main macroeconomic indicators.
EMIS Intelligence: provides current, comprehensive country and company information from more than 500 sources for emerging markets in Asia, Latin America, Eastern Europe, and the Middle East-North Africa. Arranged by country, this resource includes country profiles; macroeconomic statistics, forecasts, and analysis; reports on financial markets, companies and industries; exchange rates; analyst reports; and business news. Some text and spreadsheet information is downloadable into Microsoft Word and Excel. The file is updated daily.
Ethnic NewsWatch: a full-text collection of newspapers, magazines and journals of the ethnic, minority and native press from 1960 to present.
JSTOR: a digital library founded in 1995 in New York City, United States. Originally containing digitized back issues of academic journals, it now encompasses books and other primary sources as well as current issues of journals. It provides full-text searches of almost 2,000 journals.
MLA Bibliography: a good place to look for citations to journal articles on literature, language, and linguistics.
PAIS (Public Affairs Information Service) International: indexes public policy literature, with emphasis on contemporary issues and the making and evaluating of public policy. Worldwide in scope.
Periodicals Index Online: an index to the contents of thousands of journals in the humanities and social sciences, from the 18th century to the present. Includes book reviews for pre-1995 books.
ProjectMuse: a non-profit collaboration between libraries and publishers, is an online database of peer-reviewed academic journals and electronic books.
Web of Science: a multidisciplinary database covering the journal literature of the arts, humanities, sciences, and social sciences. Includes book reviews.
Dissertations and Theses Full Text : Indexes most North American and some European dissertations / theses. Full text in pdf format from mid-90s.
Dissertations of China 中国学位论文数据库: Part of Wanfang. Searching and full text in pdf format (chapter by chapter) for PRC dissertations from 1977 on. Coverage leans towards science, but about 25% are humanities or social sciences.
China Doctor/Master Dissertations Full-text Database : Citation searching only; Harvard does not subscribe to full-text. Document delivery of materials in this database may be requested from the reference desk.
National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan 臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統 Citation searching of theses and dissertations from Taiwan from 1956.
NDL-OPAC 国立国会図書館 蔵書検索・申込システム : The National Diet Library (NDL) holds a copy of all Japanese dissertations and records are held in their main catalogue.
KERIS RISS International한국학술정보서비스 : union catalog of academic libraries in South Korea and Japan; includes information on theses and dissertations as well as other works.
Open Access Theses and Dissertations: OATD aims to be the best possible resource for finding open access graduate theses and dissertations published around the world. Currently it indexes over 1.6 million theses and dissertations.
Cumulative bibliography of Asian studies, 1941-1965: subject bibliography.
Harvard-Yenching: Ref (W) DS5.A87 1970x
Harvard-Yenching: Ref (W) D5.A87 1969x
Widener: RR 3910. 10
Cumulative bibliography of Asian studies, 1941-1965: author bibliography.
Harvard-Yenching: Ref (W) DS5.A87 1969x
Widener: RR 3910. 11
Bulletin of Far Eastern bibliography, 1936-40.
Harvard-Yenching: (W) DS504.5.Z99 B85x
Widener: Ch 144.7
Bibliography of Chinese Studies, 1982+: a list of selected articles on China in Chinese, English, and German, grouped by broad subject, with author index. Continues: Deutsche Fernostbibliographie, 1979-1983.
Harvard-Yenching: (W) DS706.Z99 B52x Library has: 1992
Widener: WID-LC DS706.Z99 B52x
Widener: WID-LC DS504.5.Z99 D48x
Index Sinicus: a catalogue of articles relating to China in periodicals and other collective publications, by John Lust, 1920-1955.
Harvard-Yenching: Ref (W) DS706.L87 1964x
Harvard-Yenching: Ref (W) DS706.L87 I6 1964x
Widener: RR 3944. 1
Index to English language periodical literature published in Korea, 1890-1940.
Harvard-Yenching: (W) FW80 Microfilm
Harvard-Yenching: Harvard Depository (W) AI3.E4 1965
Widener: WID-LC AI3.E4 1960a
Index to English periodical literature published in Korea, 1945-1966.
Harvard-Yenching: (W) DS902.Z99.H36 1967x
Orientalische Bibliographie, 1887-1926: covers literature on Asia, Africa, and the Middle East, listed under broad subjects with author index. Book reviews in the Recensionen section, authors of books reviewed included in author index.
Harvard-Yenching: (W) PJ5.O5x (1887-1911) Harvard Depository
Widener: Ind L 6.12