Good VibrationsGood Vibrations, the second woman-owned store focusing on sex products in the United States, opened its first store in San Francisco in 1977. Founder Joani Blank (1937-2016) began Down There Press in 1975 to publish sex-positive and feminist books for women about sex; the success of these books led her to opening a store that would focus on education and products for women's sexual pleasure. Good Vibrations added a mail-order function in 1985, and employed Carol Queen as the staff sexologist, to focus on answering women's questions about sex and advise on continuing sexual education offerings. In 1992, Blank sold the company to its employees, and it operated as a worker-owned cooperative until 2006. In 1995, Good Vibrations began selling products online. The collection documents the operations of Good Vibrations and associated businesses (Open Enterprises Cooperative, Inc., Down There Press, and Sexpositive Productions) primarily from the 1990s to the early 2000s. In addition to business records, the collection also contains product catalogs, sales literature, and marketing, branding, outreach, and community engagement.