Getting Started with Leadership Research
Leadership Studies is an interdisciplinary field that encompasses a wide range of perspectives, approaches, and research methods. There is therefore no one good way to do this kind of research. Whether you are looking at leadership studies through the lens of biography, psychology, management, ethics, or something else, try some of the following resources as a starting point.
- Annual Reviews (Harvard Login)State-of-the-art overviews written by experts in fields such as psychology, political science, or organizational behavior that offer context, background, and references to seminal texts in one convenient location.
- Oxford Bibliographies (Harvard Login)Concise, continuously updated bibliographies on a wide range of topics covering a broad range of disciplines in the social sciences and humanities, including political science, psychology, and sociology.
HKS Research on Leadership
In keeping with the Harvard Kennedy School's mission "to improve public policy and leadership so people can live in societies that are more safe, free, just, and sustainably prosperous," researchers at HKS look at leadership from different angles. To find out more about leadership research at HKS, check the following links: