Research Databases
Multidisciplinary Databases
Leadership Studies is a highly interdisciplinary field of scholarship, and any of the following, broadly interdisciplinary databases should be a good starting point for your research:- Academic Search Premier (Harvard Login) Multidisciplinary database covering primarily the social sciences and humanities, with decent coverage of the sciences. Full text access may not be available for all citations; click on the "Try Harvard Library" links to check if full text is available elsewhere.
- Web of Science (Harvard Login) Multidisciplinary database containing citations of primarily science and social science scholarship; particularly helpful for citation analysis. Click on the "Try Harvard Library" links to find the full text of an article.
Business and Management
- ABI/Inform (Harvard Login)Contains articles from over 1,000 academic journals in management, marketing, and other business disciplines; it also includes trade publications, working papers, industry reports, wire feeds, newspapers, and magazines, including international publications.
- Business Source Complete (Harvard Login)Contains articles from academic journals in business, finance, management, and related disciplines, as well as trade publications and industry reports.
Note: BSC is also the preferred method of online access to the Harvard Business Review.
Psychology and Sociology
- PsycINFO (Harvard Login)Comprehensive database of psychological research literature; great place to look for articles on psychological/behavioral perspectives on leadership.
- Sociological Abstracts (Harvard Login)Core resource for researchers, professionals and students in sociology, social policy, and related disciplines.
- Social Science Premium Collection (Harvard Login)Comprehensive database of social science scholarship, covering the disciplines of political science, sociology, criminology, education, linguistics, and information science.
History and Biography
- America: History and Life (Harvard Login)Covers historical scholarship on the United States and Canada from prehistoric times to the present.
Note: For world history, use AHL's companion database, Historical Abstracts. - Historical Abstracts (Harvard Login)Covers scholarship on world history (except the U.S. and Canada) since 1450. Also includes abstracting and indexing for major non-English, non-American history journals.
Note: For U.S. and Canadian history, use HA's companion database, America: History & Life. - Biography and Genealogy Master Index (Harvard Login)Extensive biographical reference database covering more than 5 million historical and contemporary people from all walks of life.
- American National Biography Online (Harvard Login)Provides biographical sketches of Americans—from politicians to business leaders, from artists and writers to professional athletes—who influenced American history in important ways.
- Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (Harvard Login)Provides relatively detailed biographical entries for about 60,000 "significant, influential or notorious figures who shaped British history."
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Search Tips
Use the advanced search function to search in subject headings. Most biographies, for example, will have a subject heading for the name of the person biographed; they will also have a subject heading for the subject's profession (broadly defined), plus "Biography." Biographies of John F. Kennedy, for instance, will almost always have the subject headings Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917-1963
and Presidents -- United States -- Biography