Toni Carabillo and Judith MeuliToni Carabillo joined NOW in 1966 and one year later helped found the California chapters. She served as president of the Los Angeles Chapter of NOW (1968-1970, 1980-1982), was a member of NOW’s national Board of Directors (1968-1977), served as a national Vice President (1971-1974), and chaired NOW’s National Advisory Committee (1975-1977). She was also the director (ca. 1980) of the NOW Equal Rights Amendment Countdown office in Los Angeles during the final ratification drive. Meuli met Carabillo at a meeting of NOW in 1967, and they were soon in a political partnership – and relationship – that lasted from 1968 until Carabillo’s death in 1997. Together they co-edited various NOW publications, including "NOW Acts" (1969-ca.1973) and "National NOW Times" (1977-1985). Series V contains photograph/scrapbook albums, photographs, slides, and negatives. Included are national and chapter NOW demonstrations and rallies; people, including celebrities and politicians who supported NOW and attended the Equal Rights Amendment demonstrations; NOW officers, including Gloria Steinem, Eleanor Smeal, Aileen Hernandez, and Toni Carabillo; and NOW conferences. Scrapbooks have been digitized and are linked from the finding aid.