Women's Bar Association of MassachusettsFounded in 1978 in response to the needs and concerns of the unprecedented numbers of women entering the legal profession, the Women's Bar Association of Massachusetts (WBA) is committed to the advancement of women in the profession and to the interests of women in society. It offers educational programs, mentoring, and networking opportunities, supports pro bono activities and candidates for all levels of appointments, writes amicus curiae (friend of the court) briefs, and lobbies the legislature. Through its Legislative Policy Committee, the Women's Bar Association has taken an active role in advocating for issues of concern to women, including domestic violence, reproductive rights, child custody, legal services, family medical leave, same-sex marriage, health care, and probate. In addition, the Women's Bar Association files amicus curiae briefs in cases affecting women and their children, including cases concerning alimony, child support, domestic violence, employment, sexual harassment, gender equality, reproductive rights, and reproductive technology.