Document Collections/Microfilm
History of women in the United States : historical articles on women's lives and activities, ed. by Nancy F. Cott. Munich ; NY: K.G.Saur, 1992-1994. 20 v. in 28 HOLLIS Record
Content of individual volumes (Select cover image)
Internet Archive Full Text Vol. 5, pt. 2 (The intersection of work and family life)
Internet Archive Full Text Vol. 13 Religion
Instructions for requesting microfilm in Lamont. The Microfilm Collection is not open access and must be paged.
Herstory: microfilm collection (90 reels)
Microforms (Lamont) Film S 1023
Online Guide
--Over 800 periodicals from the International Women’s History Periodical Archive
Herstory : microfilm collection. Table of contents and Supplementary Set
Berkeley, Calif.: Women’s History Library; Wooster, Ohio: Micro Photo, 1972, xiv, 136 p.; Addenda, 2 vol., 1976.
HOLLIS Record (Table of contents)
HOLLIS Record (Supplementary Set)
Described in:
The Women's History Research Center Collections: Access and Utility. Serials Review, 01 October 1979, Vol.5(4), p.39-44
Online Version
The following microfilm collections have online guides (reel listings). Select G: Gay Rights Movement. Call numbers with the term, INDEX Film, refer to a printed guide.
International periodicals and newsletters from the Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives / filmed from the holdings of the Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives. 211 microfilm reels.
pt. 1. The Americas (reel 1-91) -- pt. 2. Europe (reel 92-178) -- pt. 3. Australia and New Zealand (reel 179-207) -- pt. 4. Asia, Africa and the Middle East (reel 208-211).
Microforms (Lamont) | Film A 1350
Microforms (Lamont) | INDEX Film A 1350 = guide
Lesbian Herstory Archives newsletter collection / filmed from the holdings of the Lesbian Herstory Archives/Lesbian Herstory Educational Foundation, Inc. 69 microfilm reels.
Microforms (Lamont) | Film A 1348
Microforms (Lamont) | INDEX Film 1348 = guide
Gay and lesbian community, support, and spirit: selected periodicals and newsletters from the holdings of the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual Transgender Historical Society. 67 microfilm reels.
Microforms (Lamont) | Film A 1319
Microforms (Lamont) | INDEX Film A 1319 = guide
Gay and lesbian politics and social activism selected periodicals and newsletters from the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Historical Society. 4 pts. on 106 microfilm reels
Online Guide
Gay rights movement ; ser. 8
Lesbian Herstory Archives subject files/ filmed from the holdings of the Lesbian Herstory Archives/Lesbian Herstory Educational Foundation. 150 microfilm reels.
Microforms (Lamont) | Film A 1303
Microforms (Lamont) | INDEX Film A 1303 = guide
Atlanta lesbian feminist alliance archives, ca. 1972-1994 [microform]. 189 microfilm reels.
pt. I. Administrative files (reel 1-14) -- pt. II. Subject files (reel 15-56) -- pt. III. Archives (reel 57-67) -- pt. IV. Periodicals collection (reel 68-189).
Microforms (Lamont) | Film A 1227 Ordered--received
Microforms (Lamont) | INDEX Film A 1227 = guide
Gay activism in Britain from 1958: the Hall-Carpenter archives : from the London School of Economics. 66 microfilm reels.
Microforms (Lamont) | Film A 1238
Microforms (Lamont) | INDEX Film A 1238 = guides
The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force records, 1973-2000: from the holdings of the Human Sexuality Collection, Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library, Ithaca, New York. Woodbridge, CT : Primary Source Microfilm, 2001. 298 microfilm reels.
"The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force collection consists of correspondence, press clippings, financial and administrative records, subject files, and photographs that, taken together, provide a broad overview of the American movement for lesbian and gay civil rights from 1973 to 2000"--Collection overview, p. xi, Series 1 guide.
Microforms (Lamont) | Film A 1184
Microforms (Lamont) | INDEX Film A 1184 = cumulative guide
The gay rights movement, [1970-1983]: Gay Activists Alliance: from the International Gay Information Center, The New York Public Library.
Microforms (Lamont) | Film A 967
Microforms (Lamont) | INDEX Film A 967 = guide
The gay rights movement: Mattachine Society of New York, Inc.: from the International Gay Information Center, The New York Public Library.
Microforms (Lamont) | Film A 966
Microforms (Lamont) | INDEX Film A 966 = guide
American Association of University Women archives, 1881-1976 : a guide to the microfilm edition, edited by Barbara A. Sokolosky.
Printed Guide
Online Guide
The Social and political status of women. Series one, Rare political, reforming, and professional journals for and by women. Microform.
Microforms (Lamont) | INDEX Film A 485 = guideMicroforms (Lamont) | Film A 485