Harvard's Open Access Policy
All Harvard faculty including HKS faculty are covered by the Harvard University Open Access Policy, which encourages faculty to deposit the "accepted author manuscript" version of their scholarly articles into Harvard University's article repository, DASH. The HKS version of the Harvard Open Access Policy was adopted March 10, 2009 and applies to scholarly articles published after this date.
For additional details about Harvard University's Open Access Policy and DASH, view the HKS Library FAQs. If you have questions about depositing your scholarly articles into the HKS series' in DASH, please contact Corinne Wolfson.
Harvard Kennedy School faculty and staff (including fellows) are encouraged to deposit articles, working papers and other scholarly materials into Harvard's online repository, DASH. While Harvard fellows and other staff are not covered by the Harvard Open Access Policy, they can chose to deposit their pre-prints under an individual open access license.
Articles deposited in DASH are optimized for discovery through Google Scholar. Authors can also track article views, downloads and other statistics of interest.
Article Processing Fees
Academic journals may charge publishing fees called "academic processing fees." One way to defer the cost of publication is to submit your article to an open access journal and then request reimbursement through Harvard's Office of Scholarly Communications, Hope Fund. Harvard's Office of Scholarly Communications, which manages the fund, lists eligibility requirements for Hope Fund awards. Articles published in hybrid journals (author has option of publishing open access or a lower cost "pay wall" option) are not eligible for the HOPE fund.