UN Sources

United Nations Treaty Collection

Official documents of the United Nations

Universal Declaration of Human Rights - An Historical Record of the Drafting Process

UN voices : the struggle for development and social justice, by Thomas G. Weiss et al. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2005, 520 p.
Kennedy Sch of Gov JZ4984.5 .U532 2005
Widener WID-LC JZ4984.5 .U532 2005 Regular loan

Documents of the United Nations Conference on International Organization, San Francisco, 1945. London, N.Y., United Nations Information Organizations, 1945-1955. 22 v.
Documents (Lamont) UN 40.5 Holdings: no.1-21 (1945-1955)
Law School Harvard Depository 182b 300.5 [Vols. 21-22 (Indexes)

Human Rights Documents offers documents from several UN agencies

Refworld ( UNHCR) Offers refugee policy documents from a variety of sources

Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Documentation offers documents including resolutions and decisions, reports, ministerial declarations, newsletters and other publications

United Nations Information System on the Question of Palestine (UNISPAL) Documents Collection

UN Women Digital Library offers annual reports, discussion papers, and case studies on gender equality and women's empowerment

Eighteen Nation Committee on Disarmament. Established in 1962

United Nations Diplomatic Conferences offers the records of conferences on several treaties produced by the International Law Commission and considered by the Sixth (Legal) Committee of the General Assembly.


FAOBIB: FAO Catalogue on-line contains documents and publications produced by FAO since 1945, books added to the library collections since 1976, and serials held in the FAO library.

FAO Corporate Document Repository houses full text of FAO documents and publications, as well as selected non-FAO publications.

Guide to Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Documents

FAO Publications Catalogue on-line

WAICENT Information Finder searches for documents, press releases, webpages, photos and videos. Also allows for browsing by topic. Provides access to full text.


League of Nations Sources

League of Nations: Statistical and Disarmament Documents

There is a large collection of League of Nations documents on Level D in Lamont, call number LN doc.

League of Nations documents, 1919-1946. 555 microfilm reels
Law School | Mic | JX1975.A2 L42x 1973 (Drawer 352-358)
Microforms (Lamont) | Film A 1150 Level B
Microforms (Lamont) | INDEX Film A 1150 Level B
--Full HOLLIS Record
--Guide: League of Nations Documents

Guide to League of Nations publications: a bibliographical survey of the work of the League, 1920-1947, by Hans Aufricht. NY: Columbia University Press, 1951, 682 p.
Location : Documents (Lamont) | LN Doc 6651.32
Location : Law School | Reference | JX1975.Z99 A85x 1951
Location : Widener | Harvard Depository

Key to League of Nations documents placed on public sale, 1920-1929, by Marie J. Carroll. Boston, Mass., World peace foundation, 1930, 340 p.
Location : Documents (Lamont) LN Doc 6651.12
Location : Documents (Lamont) | LN Doc 6651.12.2 Supplement (1931-38) 4 v.
Location : Law School Harvard Depository 182a 599
Location : Law School Reference JX1975.Z99 W66x 1930
Location : Widener Harvard Depository Z 6471 .A1 W8
--Arranged chronologically, with classification according to the various activities of the League. Numerical index of official numbers and series of League of Nations publications numbers (p. 316-340)

Digital Libraries/Collections

A large amount of online full text is available through Harvard Libraries or free on the Web. Only general digitized print and multi-format collections are listed here. Full text government documents, periodical, and archival material are listed in those sections. To find full text collections in Harvard Library E-Resources: choose Subject + Resource Type: Electronic book/text collections.

General Digital Libraries

Google Book Search has digitized many pre-1920s books. Links to digitized books, whether digitized at Harvard or at another library are available through HOLLIS records, either through a Networked Resource link (Harvard books) or the "Discover more in Google Books" icon (from other libraries) To find books Google has digitized from other libraries, but which are not held at Harvard, search directly in the Google Book Search.

HathiTrust Digital Library includes a searchable database of digitized books and periodicals contributed by numerous libraries. Includes items contributed by these libraries to Google Books and to Internet Archive but with some unique material. Each full text item is linked to a standard library catalog record, thus providing good metadata. The catalog can be searched separately. Globally full text searchable, like Google Books but unlike Internet Archive. Full text is fully viewable. PDF downloads of a whole work are available.
There is now an Advanced Full Text search feature available in HathiTrust that allows a full text search of specified books or periodicals similar to that available in Google Books Advanced search. Described at: Advanced Search for HathiTrust full-text search.

Internet Archive also offers much digitized full text, but unlike Google Books and HathiTrust, it is not globally full text searchable.

The Making of the Modern World offers full text searching of works on economics and business published from 1450-1850 from the Kress Collection of Business and Economics at the Baker Library, Harvard Business School and the Goldsmiths' Library of Economic Literature at the University of London Library. Includes material on commerce, finance, social conditions, politics, public health, trade and transport. A great deal of more recently acquired material in the Kress Collection is not included in The Making of the Modern World.

Yale Law School Avalon Project: Documents in Law, History and Diplomacy


United States

Digital Public Library of America allows searching an browsing of textual, visual, and sound resources contributed by numerous libraries, archives, and museums.

Fold3 (formerly Footnote) provides access to a wide variety of digitzed historical documents--many from the microfilmed collections of the United States National Archives and Records Administration.

AMDOCS: Documents for the Study of American History: Online documents arranged by year

American Memory (Library of Congress)

A Chronology of US Historical Documents


EuroDocs: Online Sources for European History: Selected Transcriptions, Facsimiles and Translations.

Europeana: Cultural collections of Europe is the largest European search engine for digitized books, images, manuscripts, etc.

European History Primary Sources is an index of scholarly websites providing access to primary sources.