Finding Newspaper Articles

Access Newspaper Archive offers numerous newspapers from the 19th and 20th centuries.  Contains many small-town newspapers.

ProQuest Historical Newspapers include illustrations, editorials, and advertising. Available papers are listed below.

General Newspapers

All of the ProQuest Historical Newspapers can be searched at once from the ProQuest Databases page. To select a subset of the newspapers to search, hit the link Searching: 20 databases, and scroll down to ProQuest Historical Newspapers.

America’s Historical Newspapers (1690-1993)  (Readex) offers full text of over a thousand U.S. newspapers.  Now includes several post-1922 papers; title list (In Quick Facts & Overview box on the right).


AP Multimedia Archive (AccuNet) is a searchable database of over 700,000 Associated Press photographs, charts and other graphics from the 1840s to the present.

More Information

Guide to Newspapers and Newspaper Indexes contains more information on finding newspapers and newspaper articles.

Broadcast News

Television News Archive (Vanderbilt University) (1968-) indexes the collection of network television news programs at Vanderbilt University. Abstracts searchable by keyword to find information and/or request videotape loans. Online video is available for CNN news broadcasts from October 1995 to the present.

American History in Video has numerous modern documentaries together with newsreels from 1929 to the present.

Internet Archive includes films, radio audio clips, news clips, educational films, advertisements, industry films, etc.