General and Popular Indexes
Look for specialized subject bibliographies which may include periodical articles in the HOLLIS Catalog: Search, e.g., <"science and state" [Keyword search] and bibliography [Subject Keyword search]> on Expanded Search screen or in WorldCat.
To find additional indexes of general and popular periodicals see:
Finding Articles in General and Popular Periodicals (North America and Western Europe)
Finding Periodical Articles and Book Reviews on Africa
Finding Periodical Articles and Book Reviews on South and Southeast Asia
East Asian Studies Research Guide: 4. Journal Literature
Finding Periodical Articles and Book Reviews on Latin America
Slavic and Eurasian Studies: A Research Guide
Introduction to Slavic Information Resources
Alternative press index (1969- ) is available online as Alt-Press Watch (1995- ) indexes the alternative/radical periodical literature. Includes book reviews. Alternative Press Center's Online Directory lists periodicals in the Alternative Press Index. For earlier coverage:
LOCATION: Andover-Harv. Theol: Ref. AI3.A4 Consult Braun Room.
LOCATION: Gutman Education: Per PN4888.U5 A27 (1969-1971)
LOCATION: Widener: RR 663.8 Latest 10 years WID-LC HN90.R3 A48x Earlier
American Periodicals Series Online (1740-1900) offers full text of about 1100 American periodicals. Includes several scientific and medical journals including the American Journal of Science and the Medical Repository. In cases where a periodical started before 1900, coverage is included until 1940.
British Periodicals (1681-1920) offers full text for several hundred British periodicals. List of included periodicals.
Ethnic NewsWatch (1959- ) is a full text database of the newspapers, magazines, and journals of the ethnic, minority and native press.
Harper's Magazine Online offers the full text of Harper's Magazine (1850-1899).
HarpWeek (1857-1912) offers full text of Harper's Weekly.
Nation Archives (1865- ) includes full text of complete run of The Nation. Annual update lags behind 1 year.
Nineteenth Century in Print: The Making of America in Books and Periodicals: Periodicals offers over 30 Nineteenth Century American periodicals digitized and full-text searchable. Some of the titles currently have only short runs available.
Nineteenth Century Masterfile includes several Nineteenth Century periodical indexes together with many separate indexes to individual periodicals. The most important index included is Poole's index to periodical literature (1802-1906) which indexes 479 American and English periodicals. In the print version, articles are indexed by subject, not author. Fiction, poetry, plays are listed by title. Book reviews are listed under subject; reviews of fiction, poetry, plays are listed under the author of the work. Online version offers numerous links to full text in HathiTrust. Print version of Poole's index:
LOCATION: Widener: RR 663. 5 Library has: 6 v. in 7
Author indexing is provided by Cumulative Author Index for Poole's Index to Periodical Literature, 1802-1906.
LOCATION: Lamont: REF.ROOM AI3.P73x 1971
LOCATION: Widener: RR 663. 5.1
Opinion Archives offers a full text, as well as author/title, search of full runs of the following opinion periodicals:
American Spectator (1972- ) - Commentary – (1945- ) Commonweal (1924) - Dissent (1954- ) - Harpers Magazine (1850- ) - Moment (1975- )- NACLA (1966- ) - Nation (1965- ) - National Review (1955- ) - New Leader (1924- ) - New Republic (1914- ) - New York Review (1963- ) - New Yorker (1925- ) - Orion Magazine (1982- ) - Progressive (1909- )- Washington Monthly (1969- ) - Weekly Standard (1995- )
Periodicals Index Online indexes contents of thousands of journals in the humanities and social sciences, from their first issues to 1995. Covers journals from North America, the United Kingdom, and the rest of the English-speaking world and journals in other European languages including French, German, Italian and Spanish. Includes the complete table of contents for each issue of each journal.
Reader's Guide Retrospective (WilsonWeb) (1890-1982), online version of the Readers' guide to periodical literature, indexes many American popular periodicals. Print version:
LOCATION: Gutman Education: Ref Index AI3.R48 (1925-90)
LOCATION: Kennedy Sch of Gov: Ref Index (1982-93)
LOCATION: Lamont: REF.ROOM AI 3.R48 (1900-2004)
LOCATION: Law School: Lang Ref Index AI 3.R48 Library has: Latest 10 years.
RSAP Resources for Research: Periodicals (Research Society for American Periodicals) provides links to collections of 18th, 19th, and 20th century full-text periodicals.
Specialized Indexes
Listed here is a selection of the major indexes
- General Humanities and Social Sciences Literature
- Economics
- Business and Trade
- Political Science/Public Policy
General Humanities and Social Sciences Literature
Allgemeine Bibliographie der Staats- und Rechtswissenschaften (1868-1914) is a serial bibliography of law, political science, and economics, divided by nationality with detailed subject index.
Law School | K38 .A45
HathiTrust version
International Bibliography of the Social Sciences(1951- ) includes:
- International bibliography of anthropology
- International bibliography of economics
- International bibliography of political science
- International bibliography of social and cultural anthropology
- International bibliography of sociology
Periodicals Index Online indexes contents of thousands of journals in the humanities and social sciences, from their first issues to 1995. Covers journals from North America, the United Kingdom, and the rest of the English-speaking world and journals in other European languages including French, German, Italian and Spanish. Includes the complete table of contents for each issue of each journal. Includes book reviews.
JSTOR offers full-text of complete runs (up to about 5 years ago) of over 400 journals. Allows simultaneous or individual searching, full-text searching optional, of many economics journals. List of included journals.
EconLit (1969- ) indexes articles from over 525 journals. Since 1987 includes books and dissertations. Earlier years available in print in Index to Economic Journals (1886- ) and Index of economic articles in collective volumes (1960- )
Economist Historical Archive (1843-2004).
ABI Inform (1971-) indexes academic management, marketing, and general business journals
Business Source Complete (early 20th century- )
Political Science/Public Policy
Alternative press index (1969- ) is available online as Alt-Press Watch (1995- ) indexes the alternative/radical periodical literature. Includes book reviews. Alternative Press Center's Online Directory lists periodicals in the Alternative Press Index. For earlier coverage:
LOCATION: Andover-Harv. Theol: Ref. AI3.A4 Consult Braun Room.
LOCATION: Gutman Education: Per PN4888.U5 A27 (1969-1971)
LOCATION: Widener: RR 663.8 Latest 10 years WID-LC HN90.R3 A48x Earlier
Bibliographie courante d'articles de périodiques postérieurs 1944 sur les problèmes politiques, économiques et sociaux. 1968. 17 v.
LOCATION:Widener: WID-LC AI7.F59x 1968 F
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC AI7.F6F (Supplément, 1969-1981)
--Articles grouped by country, then subject.
Bulletin analytique de documentation politique, economique et sociale contemporaine, 1946-
LOCATION: Law School: 4 66 (missing 1985, 1987, 1988, 1994)
LOCATION: Widener: B 425.56 (1949-1998)
--Worldwide coverage, abstracts in French. Subject classed list with author index.
CIAO (Columbia International Affairs Online) (1991- ) includes articles, books, conference proceedings, working papers, etc.
C.R.I.S.: the combined retrospective index set to journals in political science, 1886-1974
LOCATION: Law School: ILS RR JA1.A1 Z992x 1977 Library has: v.1-8
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC JA1.A1 Z992 1977x Library has: 8 v.
--Over 115,000 articles from over 200 English-language journals arranged by subject. Journal code numbers in the entries are explained on the end-papers.
Military and Government Collection (largely 1980s- ).covers periodicals, many with full text, on military, foreign affairs, national security, intelligence, etc. Considerable earlier indexing (Congressional Digest back to 1922).
ProQuest Government Periodicals Index (1988- ).
Index to periodical articles ... in the Library of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1950-1989.
1950-1964. LOCATION: Widener: H 9.64.5 Library has: 2 v.
1965-1972. LOCATION: Widener: H 9.64.6
1973-1978. LOCATION: Widener: H 9. 64.7 F
1979-1989. LOCATION: Microforms (Lamont): Microfiche W 4007 Microfiche Library has: 50 microfiche. INDEX Microfiche W 4007 = Guide
--Unannotated references grouped by subject classification (guide in front), subject and geographical indexes.
Indexes to independent Socialist periodicals.
LOCATION: Widener: Soc 708.11 no.4
Anvil, 1949-60
Labor Action, 1949-58
The New International, 1934-58
Student Partisan, 1947-50
International bibliography of political science (1953- ), included in International Bibliography of the Social Sciences, is a bibliography of periodical articles, books, essays in books, and government publications.
International Political Science Abstracts (1989- )
Print version:
International political science abstracts, 1951- .
LOCATION: Countway Medicine: Abst. & Indexes Z 7164 IN88 (1964-71)
LOCATION: Littauer: Ref. Z7161.I58 x (1951-93)
LOCATION: Littauer: CD-ROM JA 36.I5 On Reserve (1989- )
LOCATION: Widener: RR 4402.4 Latest 5 yrs. WID-LC JA36.I5 Earlier
JSTOR includes the full text of 119 political science journals from their date of inception to about 5 years ago. List of titles
Left Index Online (1982- , a few earlier) Promptly indexes Marxist, radical, and leftist articles. No newsletters or newspapers.
PAIS (Public Affairs Information Service) (1915- ) indexes international public and social policy literature. Includes journal articles, books, book chapters in edited volumes, conference proceedings, government documents, etc. Journals indexed in PAIS
PARLIT Database (1992- ) includes citations for books and articles on parliamentary law and practice.
Theories of political processes: a bibliographic guide to the journal literature, 1965-1995, by G. G. Brunk.
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC JA71.Z99 B78 1997x
--Arranged by subject, with author and subject indexes.
United States political science documents, 1975-91.
LOCATION: Littauer: RR Z 7165.U5.U5x
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC JA66.Z99 U54x
--Abstracts about 150 U.S. political and public policy journals.
Worldwide Political Science Abstracts (1975- )
Continues: Political science, government & public policy series. Annual supplement. 1967 -79.
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC JA66.Z99 U64x Supplwhich continues:
Political science, government, and public policy: an annotated and intensively indexed compilation of significant books, pamphlets, and articles, selected and processed by the Universal Reference System.
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC JA71.Z99 U54x 1967 Vol. 1 = 2d ed. Library has: 10 v.
--Indexed bibliography of selected older works, with a preponderance of 20th century and current publications.
v.1 International affairs.
v.2 Legislative process, representation, and decision-making.
v.3 Bibliography of bibliographies in political science, government and public policy.
v.4 Administrative management.
v.5 Current events and problems of modern society.
v.6 Public opinion, mass behavior, and political psychology.
v.7 Law, jurisprudence, and judicial process.
v.8 Economic regulation.
v.9 Public policy and the management of science.
v.10 Comparative government and cultures.