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Etiquette Collection

Researching Etiquette at Schlesinger Library

The Schlesinger Library has an extensive collection of materials related to etiquette. Items published between 1800 and 1955 are considered to be part of the formal "etiquette collection" and have been assigned an ETIQ call number. Many of these items are described in this guide. However, the guide does not represent the entirety of Schlesinger's etiquette collection, nor does it cover and the many other items related to etiquette held by the library. Fortunately, you can locate all of these materials using our HOLLIS catalog.You can also Ask a Schlesinger Librarian for additional assistance.

To search for books in the etiquette collection:

Start in Harvard's HOLLIS catalog.

Choose the "Starts With/Browse" link. This will take you to a new page with a dropdown menu and a search bar. 

On the drop down menu, select "Other call number."

In the search bar, type "ETIQ."

This should give you a chronological list of all the holdings in our etiquette collection. 

To search for other materials related to etiquette: 

For later etiquette materials (mid 20th century and on) and other resources related to etiquette, you can also search HOLLIS.

On the main page, choose "Advanced Search." This will take you to a new page with several dropdown menus and fields for entering text. 

Click the button for "Library Catalog." 

In the first dropdown box, select "Subject" and type in "etiquette."

In the location box, choose "Schlesinger."

You can also choose to refine your search by date, language, and any other keywords you might be interested in.

Useful subject headings:

  • Etiquette
    • More specific subject headings include table etiquette, wedding etiquette, travel etiquette, business etiquette, and etiquette for children and teenagers.
  • Conduct of life
  • Home economics
  • Manners and customs

General Research Tips

Ask a Schlesinger Librarian about your research.

  • We can answer your questions, recommend additional sources, and provide in-depth research help. 

Search the HOLLIS catalog for more resources. 

  • This guide only provides an introduction to materials related to your topic. HOLLIS makes even more materials available.

Contact us in advance of your visit.

  • Many of our collections are stored offsite and/or might have access restrictions.