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Prepare for HLS Exams

A guide to resources available to HLS students studying for exams.


There's no doubt that preparing for law school exams can be stressful.  Check out this guide for some recommended resources to help make the process a little easier.  And don't forget to build in a study break or two!

FEATURED RESOURCE!  Aspen Learning Library

Access hundreds of study aids -- from Glannon's Examples & Explanations to audio and video lectures -- on campus or at home, using your laptop or tablet.

Exams Info

Law School Exams Tips

There are many books with strategies and tips for doing your best on law school exams. Here are a few.

Note: all book descriptions are taken directly from the publishers.

Past Exams

Consult past HLS exams to get an idea of what might be in store for you in current exams. 

The HLS Office of the Registrar maintains an online exam archive containing exams from Fall 2010 to present. Digitized copies of past exams from 1871 through 1995 are available online from the library.  The library does not maintain print copies of old exams.  No exams are available between 1995 and 2010.

Research Guides for 1Ls

We've created research guides to help you find the best study guides, hornbooks, and treatises on first year topics.

Study Guides and Tools

Take a Study Break

Taking a study break can help you be more productive, retain knowledge, and be more creative--but don't take our word for it, it's science!

We're including a variety of ideas for things to do on a study break below, plus a link to our full study break guide. Enjoy, and remember--it's good for you!

Wellness at HLS