Encyclopaedia Islamica Online: based on the abridged and edited translation of the Persian Dāʾirat al-Maʿārif-i Buzurg-i Islāmī, a comprehensive source on Islam and the Muslim world; provides entries on important themes, subjects and personages in Islam generally; new content is added every year in alphabetical order
Encyclopedia of Islam First Edition Online: originally published in print between 1913 and 1936, the scope of the First Edition Online is philology, history, theology and law until early 20th century. Such famous scholars as Houtsma, Wensinck, Gibb, Snouck Hurgronje, and Lévi-Provençal were involved in this scholarly endeavor offering access to 9,000 articles
Encyclopedia of Religion: online version of the Encyclopedia of Religion, 2nd ed., published in print in 2005. Includes almost all the original 2,750 entries (many updated) from the first edition edited by Mircea Eliade and published in 1987, plus almost 600 new articles. Covers almost all topics on the world's religions including Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Taoism, new religious movements, ethics, feminist theology, ecology and religion, gender and religion, politics and religion, science and religion, art and religion, and film and religion
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: a "dynamic reference work" written and maintained by the entire philosophy profession. The essays cover individuals, concepts, and events related to all aspects of philosophy. It has greater depth than other philosophy reference works and is continually growing, with quarterly archives to ensure accurate citations for scholars and long-term access to the historical development of ideas