Calendar of Harvard History & other resources
A Calendar of Harvard History
This resource provides access to information about people, events, policies, academic and extracurricular student life, and other activities at Harvard from 1636 to the present. It is searchable by date and keyword.
The Harvard Charter of 1650: History, transcription, and digital copy
Signed on May 31, 1650 by Governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony Thomas Dudley, the Charter of 1650 established the Harvard Corporation as Harvard's primary governing board. Harvard continues to operate under the authority of the Charter of 1650 to this day.
Harvard History: A Selected Bibliography
This research guide provides titles of general and specialized accounts of various aspects of Harvard history. Some titles are available online; links to Harvard Library catalog records are provided for print only items.
Notes on the evolution of a ceremony, The Harvard Gazette, September 24, 2007.
Search HOLLIS for material by and about Harvard presidents: