Department of Defense

DoD FOIA Reading Room .

Pentagon Papers, (Report of the Office of the Secretary of Defense Vietnam Task Force)

ProQuest history vault. Vietnam War and American foreign policy, 1960-1975 includes Public Statements by the Secretaries of Defense, (1961-1981) and other collections.

Military Repositories and Digital Collections

Department of Defense

Pentagon Papers, officially titled "Report of the Office of the Secretary of Defense Vietnam Task Force"

Rumsfeld Papers website.

Joint Chiefs of Staff

Office of the Secretary of Defense Historical Office

Joint Staff History offers histories of JCS activities prepared by and for Joint Staff use.

History of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.  Washington, DC : Office of Joint History, Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
--Rich citations to archival sources

Records of the Joint Chiefs of Staff : part 1 : 1942-45. 50 microfilm reels
Microforms (Lamont) Film A 367 [Level B]  
Online Guide
Covers meetings, strategic issues, the European theater, the Pacific theater, and the Soviet Union. 

Records of the Joint Chiefs of Staff microform part 2 : 1946-53. 8 v. in 70 microfilm reels.
Microforms (Lamont) Film A 368 [Level B]
Online Guide  Vol. 1: Europe and Nato (9 reels) -- vol.2: The Middle East (2 reels) -- vol. 3:The United States (4 reels) -- vol. 4: Strategic issues: section 1 (12 reels) -- vol. 5: Strategic issues: section 2 (14 reels) -- vol 6:The Soviet Union (7 reels) -- vol. 7:The Far East (14 reels) -- vol. 8: Meetings of the JCS. 

Technical Reports

DTIC Online: Public Technical Reports searches Dept. of Defense technical reports and other resources.

You cannot limit by date in DTIC.  Many DTIC reports are in WorldCat. In Advanced Search put your search terms in one box and “Defense Technical Information Center” (in “”) in another. Apply your date limits.


GulfLink website on the Gulf War.

Vietnam Virtual Archive (Texas Tech)