1. Books with author(s)
Beall, H.; Trimbur, J. A Short Guide to Writing about Chemistry, 2d ed.; Longman: New York, 2001; pp 17-32
To find this book in Library Catalog, search by either author, Beall, H or Trimbur, J,; or by title Short guide to writing about chemistry.
2. Books with editor(s)
Editors’ names can appear in either the author (first example) or the editor position (second example).
3. Book Chapters
To find this book in Library Catalog, search under book title, HPLC Made to Measure; or by editor, Kromidas, S. Do NOT search by chapter author or title as that information is not in Library Catalog.
Format a bit different, but process the same. Search for book title or editors, not chapter author.
4. Books in series
Seeber, G.; Tiedemann, B. E. F.; Raymond, K. N. In Supramolecular Chirality; Crego-Calama, M., Reinhoudt, D. N., Eds.; Topics in Current Chemistry 265; Springer: Berlin, Germany, 2006; pp 147-183.
To find this book in Library Catalog, search by book title, Supramolecular chirality; by editor, Crego-Calama, M; or by series title, Topics in current chemistry. Books in series may also be referenced like a journal. See that section for examples.