1. NIEDRACH, LEONARD W. 1948. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE CHEMISTRY OF SELENIUM AND TELLURIUM. Ph.D. diss., Harvard University, http://search.proquest.com.ezp-prod1.hul.harvard.edu/docview/301853261?accountid=11311 (accessed January 24, 2019).
This is a citation to a Harvard Ph.D. from the ProQuest Database. Elements are: Title, Author, Degree, University, Date, availability information. Because this is a Harvard dissertation, we have access to the Full Text which can be located in Library Catalog.
2. Danielson, M. E. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Minnesota, 2003
This is a citation to a dissertation from a journal article. No title is given. Differing amounts of information are given, depending on the requirements of the source. Because this is not a VU dissertation, we don't have online access. You can order dissertations from Interlibrary Loan.