Subject Headings to Browse in HOLLIS

In HOLLIS, use the "Starts With / Browse" search. Choose "Browse by Subject" and type one of these headings. You can leave out the punctuation. If you're looking for a good subject heading for a particular topic, search HOLLIS by keywords instead, and look at the headings that appear in individual records in your search results.

  • Middle East -- Description and travel
  • Saudi Arabia -- Description and travel  [use the same pattern for other countries]
  • Iraq -- History [use the same pattern for other countries]
  • Turkey -- History -- Ottoman Empire
  • United States -- Relations -- Middle East [for Middle East, you can substitute a particular country name]
  • Middle East -- Relations -- United States [for Middle East, you can substitute a particular country name]
  • East and West

Subject Search Tip: In the HOLLIS Advanced Search, combine two or more subjects on separate lines. You can also combine a subject and a keyword: e.g., Subject Egypt and Keyword revolution.

► When you browse, look for subjects with these subheadings: Diaries • Interviews • Sources • Archival resources • Newspapers • Personal Narratives •  Biography • Pictorial Works • Comic Books • Caricatures and cartoons
► You can add any of these as an extra Subject line in HOLLIS Advanced Search: e.g., Subject Arab Spring and Subject Personal narratives.

► For novels, plays, and stories about a topic, look for subject headings with these subheadings: Fiction • In Literature • Juvenile fiction • Drama • Poetry • Literary collections
► You can add any of these as an extra Subject line in HOLLIS Advanced Search: e.g., Subject Arab Spring and Subject Fiction.
►EXAMPLE:  In HOLLIS, Achmed Saadawi's novel Frankenstein in Baghdad has the subject heading "Baghdad (Iraq) -- Fiction."