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The library has subscribed to an extensive FAO Documents Microfiche collection, which covers 1976-1997. It is available in the Government Documents collection in the basement level of Lamont Library.
[FAO documents microfiche] [microform], prepared by the Reference and Documentary Information Section, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
Location: Microforms (Lamont) Microfiche S 395
Use the Micro. No. noted in the bibliographies and indexes to find the document on fiche.
Online Bibliographic Databases listed in this guide may cite documents for 1976-1997 without online access. Such documents may be found in this microfiche collection.
FAO Documentation Current Bibliography
Location: Documents (Lamont) UN 1050.108 (1967-1995)
Location: Microforms(Lamont) Microfiche S 395.1 (1976 to1994)
Location: Microforms(Lamont) Microfiche S 395.2