This guide provides links to resources and services to help with your research for GHHP 99: Research in Global Health and Health Policy. If you have questions about Library resources and services, we would be happy to hear from you.
Finding Journal Articles
- Web of Science: A database covering the major journals in the sciences, social sciences and the arts. It includes information on the number of times an article has been cited.
- PubMed: A database of biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books.
- ProQuest Social Sciences: Database collection covering the social sciences including economics, public policy, sociology and more.
- CAB Abstracts & Global Health: Indexes the scholarly literature in agriculture, human health, animal and veterinary sciences, and environmental sciences.
Finding Policy Resources
- PAIS Index: Indexes the public and social policy literature of public administration, political science, economics, finance, international relations, law, and health care.
- Worldwide Political Science Abstracts : Indexes political science journal articles, books, book chapters, disserations and working papers.
- Policy File Index : Indexes policy reports and studies published by think tanks, university research programs, research organizations that include the OECD, IMF, World Bank, the Rand Corporation, and a number of federal agencies.
- Additional Health Policy Resources: https://guides.library.harvard.edu/hks/health_policy
Finding Materials Related to Congress
- CQ Press Library: A comprehensive reference resource for research on U.S. politics, elections, and public policy. Includes encyclopedias, statistical sources and analyses of issues.
- Proquest Congressional : A major source of information on members of Congress and their legislative activities and a primary resource for accessing the publications of Congress.
Finding Information on Research Methods
- Sage Research Methods Online : Explore methods to help design research projects.
Finding Data
- United States Health Data Resources: https://guides.library.harvard.edu/healthus
- International Health Data Resources: https://guides.library.harvard.edu/healthinternational
- Qualitative Research Guide: https://guides.library.harvard.edu/qualitative/
Citation and Research Management Tools
- Citation and Research Management Tools: Citation and research management tools help you organize your research and keep track of your references. They also make it easy to add citations into the documents you're working on and automatically generate bibliographies in most styles. Harvard Library primarily supports the use of Zotero, EndNote, and Overleaf Pro +.