About This Guide

Logo of the Candid & Constructive Conversations initiative at HKS.Harvard Kennedy School launched the Candid & Constructive Conversations (CCC) initiative out of a commitment to strengthening the ability of our students, staff, and faculty to have candid and constructive conversations across difference. This guide complements those efforts, offering data-driven resources to support the research and practice of bridge-building, constructive disagreement, and engagement with diverse stakeholders.

The goal of CCC is to foster an environment of openness, humility, and respect necessary for the robust exchange of ideas. We seek to rigorously engage with competing perspectives, talk with those with whom we disagree, and ensure that all members of our community feel heard and respected. The ability to disagree constructively and across difference is important for learning and working together effective, and it is a core competency for public leaders and policymakers.

Candid & Constructive Conversations Report

From Fall 2022 to Fall 2023, a working group composed of HKS faculty, staff, and students assessed the challenges that HKS faces in fostering candid and constructive conversations. They released a report summarizing their findings and proposing a set of recommendations to strengthen the HKS community's core competency in this area.

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Recommended Search Terms

The effort to foster candid and constructive conversations at institutions of higher education and beyond is an interdisciplinary one. Below are some recommended search terms you can use to find relevant resources in HOLLIS, other library catalogs, and search engines like Google.

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For books, search for full titles or keywords (including the recommended ones above) in HOLLIS, Harvard's library catalog.

When you've found a book, click on the linked subject terms in the HOLLIS record or explore the "Shelf View" at the bottom of the record.

For help with HOLLIS, see the HOLLIS User Guide.

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Research Initiatives

For policy papers and other gray literature, try the HKS Think Tank Search: a custom Google search across the websites of 1,200+ U.S. and international think tanks.

We also recommend:

Practitioner Groups

The following organizations conduct and/or support community-based work focused on fostering dialogue, deliberation, and social ties across difference. Most of the organizations have publicly available facilitation resources, discussion guides, and other practical tools for engaging in this work.

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