General Data Citations
When citing data, you should include the following information:
- Author: Name(s) of each individual or organizational entity responsible for the creation of the dataset.
- Date of Publication: Year the dataset was published or disseminated.
- Title: Complete title of the dataset, including the edition or version number, if applicable.
- Publisher and/or Distributor: Organizational entity that makes the dataset available by archiving, producing, publishing, and/or distributing the dataset.
- Electronic Location or Identifier: Web address or unique, persistent, global identifier used to locate the dataset (such as a DOI). Append the date retrieved if the title and locator are not specific to the exact instance of the data you used.
These are the minimum elements required for dataset identification and retrieval. Fewer or additional elements may be requested by author guidelines or style manuals. Be sure to include as many elements as needed to precisely identify the dataset you have used.
For additional information about how to cite data, see the following resources:
- Citing Data from ICPSR at the University of Michigan
- Cite Your Data from
- How to Cite Datasets and Link to Publications from the Digital Curation Centre
- How to Cite Data from Michigan State University
- Citing Data from Purdue University
- Data Citation Frequently Asked Questions (USGS)
Example from Harvard Dataverse
Citing Maps & GIS Materials
Maps created using specific GIS software should have that information appended to the citation:
- Author. “Map title” [format]. Scale. Edition. Place of production: Producer, Date of copyright or production. Using: Computer software title [format]. Edition. Place of production: Producer, Date of copyright or production.
For more information visit the GIS Lounge online.