Filter My Results
Use HOLLIS’s powerful filters to narrow your search results to exactly what you want.
Sort By (relevance, date, author, title)
Filters for resource type, location, language
How filters work (include, exclude, lock, combine)
Beware duplicates and variations
Sort By
HOLLIS presents your results in order of “relevance.”
Use “sort by” to change the order of your results to chronological (date-newest or date-oldest) or alphabetical (by author or by title).
Power Filters
Specific to Catalog & Articles
Note: personalize is available via the toggle at the top of your search results, not in the filter menu.
This option allows you to prioritize article results from specific disciplines, so that they are ranked higher in your results list. It’s especially helpful if your topic is difficult to capture in search keywords. If you are signed in, HOLLIS will remember your choices.
Personalize is most effective for journal articles, because they are reliably categorized by discipline. Library Catalog items are not affected by personalize: they will remain mixed in with your results according to our standard relevancy ranking.
Show only: Peer-reviewed articles
Limits to articles from journals designated as "peer reviewed" in Ulrichsweb: Global Serials Directory.
Resource type: Reviews
Limits to records that identify themselves as book reviews.
Resource type: Reference Entries
Limits to records that identify themselves as entries in handbooks, encyclopedias, etc.
"Resource Type," "Location," etc
HOLLIS allows you to narrow down to a subset of your results that meet criteria such as a location, availability status, or subject.
Most filter options reflect the metadata in your results set. Consider whether your search is broad enough to reveal the full range of filters you’re interested in.
How Filters Work
Apply a filter with one click
- Select the filter name to apply it in one click.
Apply multiple filters
- Use the checkboxes next to the filter names to select multiple filters at once. You must select “Apply filters” at the bottom of the screen to finalize your selections.
Exclude a filter
- Use the checkboxes after a filter name to exclude it from your results.
Lock your filters
- After applying filters, you have the option to “lock” them individually or as a group. Locked filters will remain in place when you run a new search.
- Note: locked filters will persist in a new tab, and sometimes remain in place across browser sessions.
Relationships between filters
- if you use the checkboxes to apply multiple filters within a category, you will see items from your original results that match any one of the applied filters for that category (OR relationship).
- Example: books OR articles about particle physics.
- To create an AND relationship between filters from the same category, apply the first filter, wait for the results to load, and then apply the second filter.
- There is always an AND relationship between filters from different categories.
- Excluding a filter always creates an AND NOT relationship.
Beware of Duplicates and Variations
We recommend that you double-check filter menus for duplicates and variations. You may find multiple versions of the same subject or author name, and you may encounter filters that look good but are very inconsistently applied.
It’s a good idea to select all variants of a relevant term. For subjects, authors, and form/genre, it may be more efficient to add the words you find in the filter menu to your search.
Variant filter options are particularly prevalent in “Catalog & Articles,” due to the huge variation in records. Catalog & Articles bundles together records from many different sources that all follow different conventions.
Up Next: Access Options
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