Bureau of Vocational Information (New York, N.Y.)The Bureau of Vocational Information (BVI) of New York City was the successor to the Intercollegiate Bureau of Occupations (IBO). IBO published studies on wartime training and on employment opportunities in a number of fields, including the civil service and science. In 1919, IBO was dissolved and BVI took over its functions, conducting research in women's occupations, providing information to colleges, and counselling individual women. The collection includes talks given in a course, "Woman in Industry: Her Opportunities in Business Today," at New York University in 1915-1916; correspondence and clippings; and questionnaires from women around the United States in the arts, business, engineering, law, medical professions, the sciences, statistics, and religious, secretarial, and social work. The papers also discuss the requirements, training, and advantages of the various fields and include material used by Beatrice Doerschuk in preparing the manuscript, "The Woman Secretary."