UNESCO Documents and Indexes, 1946 -
UNESCO documents and publications include conferences, reports, as well as the documents of the Executive Board and the General Conference. These are variously indexed. The following lists the general indexes first. The main bodies, their documents and specific indexes follow.
General Indexes
UNESCO List of documents and publications (various titles) 1949+ . Holdings:1993-1995; 1998-1999
Location: Documents (Lamont) Ref Z6483.U5 U45a
UNESCO databases
Location: Documents (Lamont) CD-ROM Doc Z6483.U5 U45a
UNESDOC Database. This online search database is updated daily and allows a basic search, which searches only the bibliographic information (author, title, etc.). An advanced or expert search allows for a full text search.
General Conference
This body consists of the representatives of the states members of the organization. Each country has one vote. Its main function is to set policies, to determine the focus of the organization's programs and to determine the budget. It also elects the members of the Executive Board and appoints the Director-General every four years.
Manual of the General Conference 1964-1988
Location: Widener: Educ 86.14.5General Conference Basic Texts
Location: Widener: WID-LC AS4.U82 G46axRecords of the General Conference
Location: Widener: Educ 86.75.3UNESDOC Database 22nd session, 1983+
Documents of the General Conference (cat. C). 1st to 27th session, 1946-1994
Location: Microforms (Lamont): Microfiche S 650 (Level D)
Inventory of General Conference Documents 1946-1989
Location: Documents (Lamont) Ref Z6483.U5 U452 1990
The Secretariat is the executive branch of the organization. It consists of the Director-General and his staff appointed by him. Currently the Secretariat employs over 2,o00 civil servants from some 170 countries.
Secretariat documents,(Cat S) 1946-1979. Microfiche editions of the publications of the Unesco Secretariat from 1946-1979.
Location: Microforms (Lamont) Microfiche W 5768 (LevelD)
List of UNESCO Secretariat documents.
Location: Documents (Lamont) Ref Z6483.U5 U454 1986
(N.B. Use the Micro. No. noted in the bibliographies and indexes to find the document on fiche, e.g. Microfiche no: 71s0011 (with 71 being the year, s for Secretariat, 0011 being the fiche number in the sequence) can be found in the Secretariat fiche collection in Microfiche W 5768.List of UNESCO Secretariat Main Series Documents 1946-1971. This pdf publication not only lists these early documents by subject, but also links them in pdf format.
Executive Board
Documents of the Executive Board (cat. EX) 1st to 144th session, 1946-1995
Location: Microforms (Lamont) Microfiche W 5768.2 (Level D)
(N.B. collection is filed by Microfiche number, e.g. Microfiche 73ex0047, not by document number)UNESCO's Executive Board Documents 105th session,1978+
List of UNESCO Executive Board documents
Location: Microforms (Lamont) Microfiche W 5768.2.1 (Level D)
Resolutions and Decisions
Resolutions are passed by UNESCO's General Conference, while decisions are made by the Executive Board.
Resolutions and Decisions 1946+
Location: Documents (Lamont) CD-ROM Doc AS4.U82 G46 1998UNESCO Documents and Publications: Resolutions and Decisions 1st session, 1946+
Full texts of all resolutions passed and of decisions made since UNESCO's creation in 1946. Search by words of the text, resolution number, or date.
The Director-General, elected every four years by the General Conference, is the executive head of the organization.
UNESDOC Database provides an advanced search for speeches of Director-Generals 1999-present. Go to the blue box on the left. Under "Governing Bodies" select "Director-General." Then, on the new page, select "Speeches" from the blue box on the left.
For earlier speeches, use UNESCO Documents and Publications, Advanced Search and search under "Document code" DG/(whatever year you need), e.g. DG/79, for speeches of Director-General during 1979. This will provide lists of documents and, frequently, links to the documents themselves.
Inventory of speeches by the Director-General of Unesco 1946-1979 : English series of speeches in the Unesco Archives.
Location: Documents (Lamont) Ref Z6483.U5 U5143 1980x F
UNESCO collection of various mimeographed documents arranged by UNESCO document number system.
Location: Documents (Lamont) UN 1010.50 (Level D)