Books: Primary and Secondary Sources
Aristotelian and Cartesian Logic at Harvard : Charles Morton's A Logick System & William Brattle's Compendium of Logick edited by Rick Kennedy. Boston: Published by the Colonial Society of Massachusetts and Distributed by the University Press of Virginia, 1995. Available online
The Apparatus of Science at Harvard, 1765-1800 by David Wheatland. Cambridge: Collection of Historical Scientific Instruments, Harvard University, 1968. Temporarily available online in HathiTrust (requires login)
A Collection of College Words and Customs by Benjamin Homer Hall. Cambridge: John Bartlett, 1856. Explains the genesis and usage of common college words and phrases, many originating at Harvard. Available online.
Curriculum: a History of the American Undergraduate Course of Study Since 1636 by Frederick Rudolph and Carnegie Council on Policy Studies in Higher Education. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1977. Temporarily available online in HathiTrust (requires login)
The Founding of Harvard College by Samuel Eliot Morison. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1935. Provides historical background on the European university traditions on which Harvard was modeled, including governance and curricula. Temporarily available online in HathiTrust (requires login)
Glimpses of the Harvard Past by Bernard Bailyn, et al. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1986. Temporarily available online in HathiTrust (requires login)
The Harvard Book; a series of historical, biographical, and descriptive sketches by various authors edited by F.O. Vaille and Henry Clark. Boston, Houghton, Osgood and Co., 1878. Available online.
Harvard College in the Seventeenth Century by Samuel Eliot Morison. 2 vols. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1936. Includes detailed chapters on all aspects of the curriculum, including subjects taught and “The Student and His Day.” Temporarily available online in HathiTrust (requires login)
Harvard Commencement Days, 1642-1916 by Albert Matthews. Cambridge [Mass.]: J. Wilson and son, 1916. Available online.
Harvard University History of Named Chairs: Sketches of Donors and Donations, 1721-1991 by William Bentinck-Smith. Cambridge: Secretary to the University, 1991. (4 volumes)
An Historical Study of Examinations and Grading Systems in Early American Universities; a Critical Study of the Original Records of Harvard, William and Mary, Yale, Mount Holyoke, and Michigan from Their Founding to 1900 by Mary Lovett Smallwood. Harvard University Press, 1935. Temporarily available online in HathiTrust (requires login)
The History of Harvard University by Josiah Quincy. 2 vols. Cambridge: Published by John Owen, 1840. Largely chronological account of the first two centuries, with references to the major individuals, decisions and influences in the development of the college. See especially: Vol. I, Chapter IX, p. 188-194, for 17th century course of studies; Vol. I, Chapter XIX, p. 439, for description of academic studies in the time of Presidents Leverett and Wadsworth (1707-1737); and Vol. II, Chapter XXVI, p. 123, for 18th century exhibitions and curricular improvements. Available online.
Medicine at Harvard: The First Three Hundred Years by Henry K. Beecher and Mark D. Altschule. Hanover, NH: University Press of New England, 1977. Temporarily available online in HathiTrust (requires login)
Moral Philosophy at Seventeenth Century Harvard: A Discipline in Transition by Norman Fiering. Chapel Hill: Published for the Institute of Early American History and Culture. Williamsburg, Va., by the University of North Carolina Press, 1981. Temporarily available online in HathiTrust (requires login)
“Out of Smalle Beginnings…” An Economic History of Harvard College in the Puritan Period, 1636 to 1712 by Margery Somers Foster. Cambridge: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1962. Temporarily available online in HathiTrust (requires login)
Student Notebooks at Colonial Harvard: Manuscripts and Educational Practice, 1650-1740 by Thomas Knoles, Rick Kennedy and Lucia Zaucha Knoles. Worcester: American Antiquarian Society, 2003. Temporarily available online in HathiTrust (requires login)
Three Centuries of Harvard, 1636-1936 by Samuel Eliot Morison. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1936. Temporarily available online in HathiTrust (requires login)