Harvard Library Bulletin. Cambridge: Harvard University Library. Series. 1947-present. Available online. See especially:
- Metcalf, Keyes D., “The Undergraduate and Harvard Library, 1765-1877,” HLB, I (Winter 1947).
- Lovett, Robert W., “Harvard College and the Supply of Textbooks,” HLB, IV (Winter 1950).
- Robbins, Caroline, “Library of Liberty – Assembled by Thomas Hollis,” HLB, V (Winter 1951).
- Robbins, Caroline, “Library of Liberty – Assembled for Harvard College by Thomas Hollis of Lincoln’s Inn,” HLB (Spring 1951).
- Cadbury, Henry J., “Religious Books at Harvard,” HLB, V (Spring 1951).
- Fiering, Norman S., “Solomon Stoddard’s Library at Harvard in 1664,” HLB, XX (July 1972).
- Knapton, Ernest John, “Pitt Clarke’s Harvard Diary, 1786-1791,” HLB, XXI (April 1973).
- Elliott, Clark A., “Sources for the History of Science in the Harvard University Archives,” HLB, XXII (January 1974).
- Leonard, David C., “Harvard’s First Science Professor: A Sketch of Isaac Greenwood’s Life and Work,” HLB, XXIX (April 1981).
- Olsen, Mark and Louis-Georges Harvey, “Reading in Revolutionary Times: Book Borrowing from the Harvard College Library, 1773-1782,” HLB, New Series 4 (Fall 1993).
- Accardo, Peter X., “The Library of the Hollis Professor of Divinity to 1778: A Checklist,” HLB, New Series 13 (Summer 2002).
“Harvard Textbooks and Reference Books of the Seventeenth Century,” by Arthur O. Norton. Publications of the Colonial Society of Massachusetts, XXVIII (1935), 361-438. Available online
“Liberal Education in Seventeenth-Century Harvard” by Edward Kennard Rand. New England Quarterly, vol. 6, no. 3, 1933, pp. 525–551.
"Student Records: The Harvard Experience" by Harley P. Holden. The American Archivist, Vol. 39, No. 4 (October 1976): pp. 461-467.