State Health Sources
General state sources, see the Library Research Guide for History: State and City Documents
Hein Subject Compilation
Find publications of these organizations not available on their web pages in: Internet Archive, HathiTrust, HOLLIS, and WorldCat. Search in "". The directories listed below give the names of state boards of health that can also be searched.
Health, Medicine & Safety Sources in State Agency Databases
Federation of State Medical Boards, 1912- .
Federation of State Medical Boards list of state medical boards
Accredited Health Departments (CDC)
Historical directory of state health departments in the United States of America, by Robert G. Paterson. Columbus, Ohio, The Ohio public health association, 1939. 68 p.
Health boards / United States / Bibliography
Health boards / United States / Directories
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Other directories available in HathiTrust
Association of State and Territorial Health Officials, 1942-
- Preceded by National Conference of State Boards of Health (1884- ). Canada and Mexico included in 1897
- Sanitary Council of the Mississippi Valley, 1879?-
ASTHO created the National Public Health Program Reporting System in order to collect data on how states spend their federally-provided public health funding. 1970-1990
Archives (1949-1967) at the National Library of Medicine
Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB) concerned with standards for public health departments, 2007- .