This is a guide to finding bilateral and multilateral agreements when you do not have a citation. It was created by Trinie Thai-Parker and is updated by Terri Saint-Amour.
treaties are agreements between only two parties. In general, these agreements
are more difficult to track down because not all countries make them publicly
available. Multilateral treaties, on the other, tend to be easier to locate
because they are often published in treaty sets or available online.
It is searchable by title, date and decree number. It provides citations to U.N.T.S. and other sources and, in some cases, a PDF of the full-text is available, too.
This website attempts to provide links to all official government gazettes available online. It is particularly helpful because it includes an annotation for each entry regarding scope and content.
This is a free, online database of official texts of laws, regulations, judicial decisions, and other complementary legal sources contributed by governmental agencies and international organizations. May include full texts of published documents in their original languages. Also accompanied by a summary in English and subject terms selected from the multilingual index to GLIN.
Access restricted to the Harvard University community. This resource provides online, full-text access to several important treaty series, including official U.S. treaty publications; unofficial treaty publications; treaty guides and indexes; and various treaty collections, books and texts. Includes over 18,000 treaties from 1776-present.
Use the U.S. Treaty Meta-Data Search page to find a treaty by clicking on “search” in the upper left-hand side of the screen.
The HeinOnline Treaties and Agreements Library provides online, full-text access to several important treaty series, including official U.S. treaty publications; unofficial treaty publications; treaty guides and indexes; and various treaty collections, books and texts. Each treaty page is represented in both high quality image and OCR text formats. As a cost saving measure, HeinOnline does not review the OCR scanned text for errors.
This three-part series contains many treaties that may not be found in any of the other collections. Bilateral treaties, for example, passed over by other collections can often be found here. Treaties are usually published in their original language with a French translation. There also exists a supplement with treaties that date back to 1746.
Official Gazettes or Country Treaty Series
Try carrying out a subject search in the HOLLIS catalog. For gazettes: Gazettes – [country]. For a particular treaty series: [country]— foreign relations—treaties. Alternatively, use a print resource such as List of Treaty Collections Law School Reference JX120.Z99 L57x 1981
This five-volume set covers 1900 to 1980. There are a reference volume and two main entry section volumes, which list the treaties chronologically by signing state, a party index volume, and a keyword index volume
Compiled using a subject thesaurus, the online database can be searched a number of ways and is a good source for identifying bilateral and multilateral agreements.
Organized by topic, each treaty listed includes the official bluebook citation. When possible, the full-text of the document is provided as a PDF. Many of the entries are also linked to the EISIL database of the American Society of International Law, which gives additional citation information and explanatory material. Maintained by the University of Minnesota Law School.
This is a free, online database of official texts of laws, regulations, judicial decisions, and other complementary legal sources contributed by governmental agencies and international organizations. May include full texts of published documents in their original languages. Also accompanied by a summary in English and subject terms selected from the multilingual index to GLIN.
Published bimonthly, this publication includes the full text of many important draft treaties. Each issue is indexed. The November issue contains the annual index. Cumulative indexes have been published for 1962-1969, 1970-1979 and 1980-1989.
Online database from The Fletcher School, Tufts University. Includes texts of international multilateral conventions and other instruments organized by topic. Can also be browsed chronologically.
This database provides information on the status of over 500 major multilateral instruments deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.
Treaties are listed by broad subject areas. Information is provided on signatures, accessions, notifications, reservations, and declarations. Includes full-texts of declarations and reservations.
A collection of treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with and published by the Secretariat since 1946, pursuant to Article 102 of the Charter. The UNTS includes the texts of treaties in their authentic language(s), along with translations into English and French, as appropriate. The collection currently contains over 158,000 treaties and related subsequent actions which have been published in hard copy in over 2,400 volumes.Currently, the UNTS is being enhanced
Includes the following publications:
Status of Multilateral Treaties Deposited with the Secretary-General
United Nations Treaty Series
Texts of Recently Deposited Multilateral Treaties
Titles of the Multilateral Treaties Deposited with the Secretary-General in the UN official languages
Includes the date of conclusion, location, entry into force, duration, reservations, language of authentic texts, depository responsibility, eligibility of parties, list of parties, territorial scope, amendments, signatories and notes. It provides more parallel citations than the other indexes. There is a keyword and subject index. Unfortunately the annual cumulative supplement, although arranged chronologically, is not indexed and the most recent version is quite out of date (up to January 1, 1994).
No longer being updated.
Four-volume set. Covers both bilateral and multilateral agreements entered into by France from 1814-1914.
Organized alphabetically by country in French:
vol. 1. Allemagne-Équateur;
vol. 2. Espagne-Italie;
vol. 3. Japon-Venezuéla and multilateral treaties from 1814-1868;
vol. 4. Multilateral treaties from 1871-1914.
This five-volume set covers 1900 to 1980, includes a reference volume and two main entry section volumes, which list the treaties chronologically by signing state, a party index volume, and a keyword index volume
Compiled using a subject thesaurus, the online database can be searched a number of ways and is a good source for identifying bilateral and multilateral agreements.
This site has a searchable database of basic information on over 1,500 of the most significant multilateral treaties from 1856 to the present. For treaties to be included, there must be three or more countries involved, and the US may or may not be a party.
Best to use the Advanced Search Feature. Links are provided to reliable websites, and where possible, information given on citation, conclusion date, entry into force date, description, key words, and language of the text.