The Sources
The sources of Islamic Law are the Qur'an and the Sunnah (the traditions of the Prophet). Most of these texts have been digitized in various translations and are available on the web.
Listed within this page and its subpages, are works in the collection on various aspects of classical Islamic law. If you are interested in a title, just search it or the author in Hollis.
General Works
- Baillie, Neil B.E. (Neil Benjamin Edmonstone), Development of Muslim theology, jurisprudence and constitutional theoryDated, but useful when used in conjunction with Coulson and Schacht.
- Bousquet, G.-H. (Georges-Henri), Precis de droit musulman, principalement malékite et algerienGood bibliography of French language sources.
- Faruki, Kemal A., The evolution of Islamic constitutional theory and practice from 610 to 1926Covers the subject from pre-Islamic Arabia to the end of the Caliphate. Extensive bibliography, glossary of Arabic terms, with an index.
- Khadduri, Majid, ed, Law in the Middle EastCollection of essays.
- Linant de Bellefonds, Yvon, Traité de droit musulman comparéA basic work; volume 2 deals with marriage and divorce. Volume 3 deals with maintenance of the wife/children.
Bibliographies - Islamic Law
- An introduction to Shii law: a bibliographical studyComprehensive - includes books and manuscripts.
- Laila Al-Zwaini and Rudolph Peters, A Bibliography of Islamic LawExcellent bibliography; no annotations.
- John Makdisi, Islamic Law BibliographyBibliography of primary and secondary sources in Arabic, English and French. Contains few annotations.
- Stein, W.B., Bibliography of Mohammedan Law, 43 Law Library Journal 16 (1950)Listing of books and articles in Western languages, published up until the publication date of the article by W.B. Stein.
- Repertorio bibliografico de derecho islamico: R.B.D.I. Cuadernos de la Biblioteca Islamica 'Felix Maria Paerja" 55.Bibliography of European languages articles, arranged by main entry.
Bibliographies on Islam and the Middle East
Each of these bibliographies contain a section on Law.
- Middle East and Islam: a bibliographical introductionA good basic bibliography with annotations.
- Geddes, C.L. (Charles L.), Guide to reference books for Islamic studiesIncludes both books and articles, covering bibliographies, archives, religion, philosophy, law, language, literature, arts, history, geography, sciences. Index of titles and authors.