LGBT Life with Full TextLGBT Life with Full Text, published by EBSCO, provides indexing and abstracts for over four hundred magazines, academic journals, news sources, gray literature, and books that deal with gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender concerns. The depth of coverage for individual core titles varies from a few months to many years. A number of historically important periodicals, among them Mattachine Review (1955-1964), ONE (1953-1967), and Christopher Street (1976-1995), are indexed for the entire period during which they were published. LGBT Life with Full Text also includes indexing and abstracts for monographs, reference books, and other sources. Notable features include a thesaurus and a variety of browseable indexes. Full text is not available for every title indexed, but this resource does provide full text access to over fifty magazines and regional newspapers, and to more than sixty monographs and reference books, with additional links to full text articles in other EBSCO databases.